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Thursday, October 12, 2006

Midweek Must Read

Mike Adams, a UNC-Wilminton law professor and Townhall columnist has posted his first assignment for his students and it is a doozy. He pulls no punches on the left . I would love to take his class. Think about the questions he asks.

First of all, I would like to thank each of you for signing up for my class this semester at UNC-Wilmington. Part of my job as your professor is to dispel certain myths you learn in your other classes, especially sociology. If you decide to question these myths in Sociology 101, your professor is likely to assign you to sensitivity training sessions.
Because our university faculty is so overwhelmingly liberal, many of these myths constitute arrogant dismissals of conservative ideas – ideas that your professors would take more seriously if they had a little more experience interacting with conservatives. Some of your professors have never met a conservative and could only spot one from a distance based largely on the conservative’s physical appearance and grooming habits.
Needless to say, I can’t take on all of the myths you will encounter every semester at UNC-Wilmington. In fact, each semester I design a project that focuses on just one of those myths. This semester I will focus on the myth that society “can’t legislate morality.”
But before I deliver my first lecture on the topic, I have decided to give you a little homework assignment. Please take the time to a) read all of the following questions, and b) write a short paragraph in response to each. I’ll collect your answers before the next lecture on Monday:
During the 1990s, liberals stated that legislation designed to cut food stamps was “immoral.” But most liberals also adhere to the belief that you “can’t legislate morality.” How can a bill be “immoral” if it can’t be “moral”?

I bet Dennis Prager would even agree that while morality generally goes with religiosity, but that while morality is a social issue, religion is a personal issue, thus we have a system of laws to control morality. The Church has delineated Natural Law even sharia brutal as it is follows this Natural Law and sets the bounds for civil society. Western Civilization seems to be forgetting how Natural Law evolved and with it morality, it came from in large part from Moseanic Law and to a much lesser part Asian philosophy and other ancient civilizations, Greco-Roman, Persian, etc and our Founders were able to draw from a deep well of classic wisdom almost lost today. Common Law is legislated morality, it is wrong to rob, rape or kill but it goes much deeper than that and our society knows it. This is another reason why I donot see how the Dems could be able to win, they have lost their moral footing, being able to tell good from evil and legislate against evil. Yes, morality can be legislated.

PS: Actually read the article before you comment.

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