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Monday, October 23, 2006

Clear Choice

We have a very clear choice before us this election year. Are we weak cowards that want to run and hide or fighters that believe in America and what She has historically stood for? I don't believe America to be a cowardly nation, sure we make mistakes, we are humans but we have always stood on the God given rightious side of freedom and liberty. This goes far beyond the screams od the GLBT, Cindy Sheehan/ Michael Moore crowd, it is about National Pride an aspect of our nature that is alien to the left and increasingly the Democrats, lost in their multicultural fog.
Yes, the GOP has it's smelly backside, the DNC suffers as well, though it has the MSM to add some ozone and perfume to the air . Harry Reid, alert, time to put on your deoderizor. Seems Harry cut one to many farts and got caught, oops.
Meanwhile it seeeeeems the GOP base support is surging along just fine, not slacking, as the MSM would have their few viewers and readers believing. Message to the MSM and Hollywood, the conservative base does not watch you. Why should we, we can find up to date real news in seconds and multiple perspectives, and you give us few reasons why to watch? We know Newt's Contract and why it works and we are not about to subject our children to euro-socialism and empty morals.
We ducked the Foley scandal and it plowed right into the DNC's GLBT base, when the DNC bashes Foley they are bashing the GLBT, oops. Hugh Hewitt's and other's reports from the grassroots level are very heartening. The people know who the bums are, Kennnedy, Pelosi, Reid, Kerry, Clinton, etc,etc.
So who are our warhorse's , Rick Santorum, Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Norm Coleman , Jeff Flake , etc.

Guess What!

We Ain't Duckin' and Runnin'

My friend Pero likes to call politics war, I prefer to call it sport and may the best man win. It is so sad that the etiquette of true sport as exibited in the Ryder Cup could not be had in politics. We will play the game that is given us and win. My anology compares the GOP to the Euro team in that the team game is together and focused despite Tiger.

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