Apparently, the Goat is not the only one that sensed the deep hostility and hatred displayed by Sen. Jim Webb in his recent rebuttal to the SOTU address. Hugh Hewitt has posted a brilliant essay by by one of Webb's colleagues from Anapolis that is still enlisted and reveals some things about Sen. Webb that explain alot. Sen. Webb is a true hero and patriot for America and fine auther, "Born Fighting" is a personal favorite being Scots-Irish meself, but he has thrown a bearing somewhere or had too much scotch. The Scots are fiercely proud with a rich history doing and saying stupid things to get into a fight, its in his blood as mine. This is a must read in its entirety.
Senator Jim “Copperhead” Webb
Why did the new Democratic majority select Senator James Webb (D-VA) to give the Democratic response to the president’s State of the Union Address? Since when does this privilege fall to a freshman, even a freshman senator? It’s seems that despite the bad experience with nominating John Kerry to be their standard bearer in 2004, the Democrats have learned nothing. At least they recognize that they have a serious national security credibility problem but the leadership and the base simply cannot get beyond Vietnam. Hence, they asked a US Marine officer turned novelist, turned Navy Secretary, turned Democrat to present their--well, their opposition to all things Bush, because one certainly did not hear ANY tangible plans. Senator Webb is a graduate of my alma mater, the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis. He is a highly decorated Marine from Vietnam who unlike Senator Kerry actually and definitively earned his commendations for bravery and valor in combat. His novels have sold very well because he is a very talented writer. But on close inspection, something about Senator Webb is very disturbing. Perhaps it harkens all the way back to his midshipman days in Annapolis and a simple boxing match lost. You see, James Webb lost a boxing match to a man he clearly despises, Oliver North. Webb, as chronicled by Robert Timberg in his best-selling book, The Nightingale’s Song, was heavily favored to beat North in the Brigade boxing championships but lost. Timberg claims that Webb believed he was intentionally denied the title by poor preparation from his coach, or more accurately the boxing coach made sure Ollie was better prepared to beat him! Regardless, Webb believes he was wronged and today we can see this streak of vengeance in him. More on this later.
While at Hugh's place you might as well or from
here, sign the pledge not to support any gop Sen. that supports the dems and their sophmoric shenanigans of non-support for the war, or the NRSC if leadership does not fight tooth and nail against this political showboating by the panty waists prancing for their owners and the MSM.The Goat is in the blogroll of names, join us.
If the United States Senate passes a resolution, non-binding or otherwise, that criticizes the commitment of additional troops to Iraq that General Petraeus has asked for and that the president has pledged, and if the Senate does so after the testimony of General Petraeus on January 23 that such a resolution will be an encouragement to the enemy, I will not contribute to any Republican senator who voted for the resolution. Further, if any Republican senator who votes for such a resolution is a candidate for re-election in 2008, I will not contribute to the National Republican Senatorial Committee unless the Chairman of that Committee, Senator Ensign, commits in writing that none of the funds of the NRSC will go to support the re-election of any senator supporting the non-binding resolution.
Also of note it was nice to find out Mitt Romney has signed Grover Norquist's "No Tax" pledge, one of only two, Sam Brownback being the other I believe. The other candidates are going to face a political machine like never before seen in the Romney campaign, most money is wasted in campaigns as a few people get really fat but Mitt is a "money" man and finacial wizard. Mitt's money will be spent wisely and highly targeted, it will not be negative, it will be about solving the issues before us. Not a day goes by that more positive evidence of Mitt's ability doesn't come up. As my coblogger pointed out even James Dobson has moved a bit closer. I am not Evangelical so I disagree with Dobson on some doctrinal isssues but not his values so that was good to see as well. Full Disclaimer, The Barnyard is a registered part of the team for Mitt, I send him money and he says thanks, my first political contribution so I am in for the nomination race and beyond and I hope my coblogger X, the unknown Bostonian, can convince you to join a grassroots movement like no other ever seen.
America needs Mitt Romney, he is the man to lead us into the 21st Century with a roar not a wimper, our modern Reagan. He is not a career pol or lawyer, he is a self made millionaire businessman as is President Bush though in many, many ways far more polished. His demeanor will play very well against Hillary, Barack and John in debate and he could put their ideas on the back of a business card in his wallet, no contest. He and Newt Gingrich will ignite the base with real ideas and free market solutions and not stale retoric filled with snide inane comments about the opposition. Could Newt become Mitt's 'Karl Rove' as chief strategist? Newt want's a Cabinet position, what about former Va. Gov. Gilchrist at VEEP, a conservative's man just lacking the 'machine' that Mitt has?
Rudy will fall in with Mitt after Iowa as will many others. While I may disagree with Mormon doctrine, it is a uniquely American sect of Christianity that recognizes our Constitution in its bylaws. They are very conservative and I hold them in full respect despite doctrinal differences. Mitt and his wife paint a pretty picture of America for America's people and I believe they will be well embraced enough to elect him in a landslide.
Welcome to the Barnyard,