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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Barnyard Business

Something can be said for growing up a country boy in the Deep South where among men of honor and friendship a man's handshake and word were better than any written lawyer mumbo-jumbo. This well traveled Goat can tell you my friends that it ain't that way on the West coast, it is a cut-throat, 'watch your own ass' land where friendship and a man's word do not matter. Long time friends and colleagues will openly and blatantly lie, backstab, double-talk, finger-point all in an effort to make themselves look better, really crass. The straight up honest party better be very good with their retorical guns and well armed, meaning very good at their job. They will like you even less for it but thats OK because your honor is intact.

If there is one thing the Barnyard could teach is that honesty no matter how painful is always better than lies and the trap they weave. This Goat was not a meek and mild kid, he was the barnyard terror into all kinds of trouble and it took a couple trips to the stable overnight and the Lord coming to unlock him to get "It". In nearly a quarter century in the service and sales sector of our economy, simple honesty goes further than anything. It is where the conservative ideals espoused here were learned after traveling around the back-forty for awhile and earning my grazing rights. To coin off Ben Franklin: Honest labor for an honest return will make a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Dennis Prager was reporting on his show that al-qaida's leader in Iraq has ordered retreat from Bagdad and Sadr ordered the mahdi to stand down. If true, to busy to search, this means the thugs have not the guts to face our GIs. Missed Hugh's show. The Goat will go nose around and update if a 'cow-patty' is found. It is of the opinion here that they will do their best to hide and lay low till this latest campaign is done as well advertised as it is. General Petreous does not know the meaning of the word 'quit' and I am sure he is well aware of that, this is where Iraqi "Humint" and US precision training can have a full impact. The time is not allowed to list them but the blogroll is solid.

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