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Sunday, January 07, 2007

Weekend Roundup

So much has happened recently, the death of former Presidents, one brutal, one salving, jihadi islamo-fascist uprisings and routs, Iranian saber-rattling with Israel shooting right back, Iraq in seeming suspended animation while the American people seem more concerned with American Idol and Desperate Housewives than the plight of women , children, Christians and other minorities in muslim lands. For folks actually interested in what is happening in Somalia, Afganistan, Iraq and the greater Middle-East on a day to day basis, Bill Roggio at The Fourth Rail is the best along with the folks at The Counterterrorism Blog, Threats Watch and of course to get it straight from the horse's mouth there is Centcom or Central Command the USMil site for the region. Why use the elite Media when their sources are available and alternative ones as well? No wonder their serious decline recently in the marketplace of ideas and knowledge.
We are kicking the islamist's tail whenever it dares actually show itself, tens of thousands of jihadis have been sent to their seventy white raisens/virgins in the pits below with a special kudos going the the Ethiopian Army for its help in Somalia.
Michael Totten meanwhile provides a very deep inside look into the Levant and all its factions and frictions and what is really happening in Lebanon and Israel at the personal social level. Michael is a very good writer and photographer and his site is an absolute must read for those interested in the Middle-East. This is one of the Barnyard's very favorite blogs, very informative on a more down-to-earth personal level. He will bring you the "Arab street" ,so conjured by our media, in a totally different perspective and very interesting one. He takes you into the 'teahouses' and bars and describes life there.
It is not hard to find information, good clean facts or well done propoganda on the web, sorting all that out has become more the job of informed, investagative, independant bloggers tham paid 'journalists for our nations leading news outlets in print and TV. Radio and Net independants have become a staple for many of us news junkies that nolonger trust the main wires as they have become so corroded with leftist thinking and anti-American propoganda, not to mention rampant socialist Marxism.
I hope the Barnyard can help sort the flowers from the weeds for a long time and your input is desired. As soon as time is had, some aesthetic changes are going to be made to the look of the Barnyard, it is rather stale, anybody with graphic design experience out there?
Finally a welcome back to an old friend in the comment section, the sheepdog is back and he likes to bark alot though he only bites liberal moonbats, considers them a tasty snack. He helps keep the Barnyard in order and bloviator extrordinaire he is, barks constantly, lol, a good thing for sheep.

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