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Friday, January 05, 2007

OK, Back To Politics, Mitt Romney '08

Mitt Romney continues to tower above the other GOP possibilities for '08, this interview with Human Events helps clear up some of the Boston Globe's "expose's" of late. Without a single shred of doubt the Barnyard is in the Romney camp to stay. Mitt has the business and political acumen to actually accomplish much of what this awesome country have to offer, a class A money manager and business man but he seems a little confused on flat vs. consumption/fair taxation.

The Barnyard is in favor of ending all income based taxes on individuals and business and in favor of a consumption or fair tax where you are taxed on what you spend not on what you earn, with food and certain things negated. Who spends more on big ticket items? The rich, and it follows that if they have it to spend, they spend it or give it away to escape taxes, that or shelter it. We are a consumption based, free market economy and it makes zero sense to have these vast draconian tax codes in place, good grief, can't we at least advance to the present?

The Barnyard knows those ideas are not well accepted by the socialist regressive left that believes "big government" is the answer and unfortunately some on the right.

Mitt did answer well on his stance on gay marriage and a certain '94 letter and clarified his pro-life stance. Mitt is a constitutional federalist and expresses his belief in the states as testing grounds and incubator of federal law.

GOPers watch for Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich to shape the debate for '08 and beyond, they are far and above anyone else in the field as far as policy and direction are concerned. Both are extremely articulate on the challenges that face America today, in the 21st century not in the jungles of the '60s and 70s of the last century.

One last Barnyard observation, how do the loonbats justify about 6,000,000 aborted children in this country since the Iraq invasion to their outrage over 50,000 Iraqis and 3,000 American Soldiers in the midst of a war? Yes, the zeros are correct or very close. Why the outrage over Saddam's hanging and not over partial-birth abortion? One takes the monster the other takes the innocent as it is being born, alive, how cruel the malformation of right and wrong in today's society. I pray we can correct this tumor or it will kill us, cancer does that. We must make the body, America, healthy, she is, and continue to feed her the nutritional food that a consumption/fair tax would. It would set our already vigorous free market loose and bring evermore enhanced prosperity to all.

The Barnyard comes from a libertarian Conservative GOP standpoint and as anti lefty-socialism as it can get. The belief in the power of the individual to legally succeed without government interference beyond basic law is prerequisite to conservative thought and should be upheld and fought for as that is the very basis of freedom.

PS: I had three extra zeros, since removed after a long lost Sheepdog pointed it out to the Barnyard's embarrassment. We have flagellated ourselves with razor sharp blades as a result.

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