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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Weekend Roundup

Its been busy here in the Barnyard closing one door and opening another just as many Iraqis are doing, Mike Yon is back in the field embedded in the El Anbar with the CSM, Command Sargent Major, the top NCO on the ground. He also talks with Hugh Hewitt here on the radio and discusses the differences in Bagdad, Anbar, and the rest of Iraq.
The Barnyard supports a build up of troops if they have a clear mission and David Petraeus from what has been gathered here sounds like a determined leader, determined to win and succeed in helping bring the Iraqi people their freedom for prosperity and peace. We need to take the gloves off and go Rambo on the killers of all stripes and factions. Our boys are going after the killers all over the globe and we need to let them with full blessing and support.
We need to bring the full force of our military might against the islamo-fasciscts soon or pay a heavier price as we did against Hitler and Tojo. The Mullahs of Iran and Kim Jong-Il of North Korea greatly wish to replace them and succeed. Japan, China, Russia and all of Europe, let alone the USA, understand global war and the destruction and chaos it brings. There is no eagerness among the G8 for a global war yet we find ourselves in the middle of one we must win at all costs or lose our Western way of life. They want to die so we should oblige them and we are enmasse, if the real numbers were known it would probably be in the 500 to 1 range, from what has been gathered here from various wires and Tony Snow.
The Barnyard is toatally at a loss to explain why our lefty media and loonbat leftists are so desirious of a US loss to their complete ideological opposite. Taking a loss to the communists can be understood as they are socialist at the core but taking a loss to the far religious right represented by Iran, Hezbollah, Al-Qaida, etc. is beyond me as they would be the very first targets. Americas left is in an oblivious dream world full of grand illusions of peace through tea talks, our right realizes we need to fight for that peace so we can have some tea by the birdfeeder. America needs a real leader for the challenges we face and there are very few options of any worth on either side of the fence. The next couple years will be very interesting with Newt Gingrich, Mitt Romney, Rudy Guilliani, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards setting the tone for the debate. John McCain and John Kerry will be playing catch-up the entire campaign as also-ran failures for many reasons.
Sheepdog, I will win you over to Romney just as I did with Roberts and Alito. It sounds like we read the same things and come away with different impressions, interesting. I wonder why?

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