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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Mitt, McCain and Dobson

As most political afficianados know, James Dobson, head of Focus on the Family, wields a very powerful sword of influence in guiding millions of conservative followers to the polls. He has taken credit for delivering, or as was the case in the mid-terms, not delivering various national elections in recent years. All and all, and as much as it irks me, it is next to impossible to win without the support of James Dobson.

He recently went on record for each of the men.

"Speaking as a private individual, I would not vote for John McCain under any circumstances," said James Dobson...

Not good.

"I don't believe that conservative Christians in large numbers will vote for a Mormon but that remains to be seen, I guess," Mr. Dobson said on a syndicated radio program hosted by a conservative commentator, Laura Ingraham.

Mr. Dobson, the founder of the Colorado-based Focus on the Family, did not say why Christians would fail to support Mr. Romney. Mr. Dobson also acknowledged that the governor's stands on social issues are similar to those of many religious conservatives.
"He's a nice guy. He's a very attractive man. He's got a beautiful wife and a lot of his principles and values are consistent with ours,"
Mr. Dobson said."

I'll take it!!!!!

Mitt is going to continue to slowly win these big guys over. Just watch!

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