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Monday, January 29, 2007

Monday Meander

A couple different articles from Mr. Politics, Michael Barone, caught the Goat's eye as he was grazing about, one at Townhall and one at the OPJ. Mr. Barone is a Barnyard bellweather and few know the 'Beltway' and 'Swamp' better.
From Townhall:

Sometimes, it's useful to take politicians at their word. George W. Bush has announced that he's sending an additional 21,000 troops to Iraq, to provide security in Baghdad and Anbar province. Gen. David Petraeus in testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee said that it's impossible to achieve that goal without additional troops. He also said, in response to a question from Sen. Joseph Lieberman, that a congressional resolution disapproving of the additional troops would not have a positive effect on military morale.

We don't know whether this "surge" of troops to Iraq will achieve its goal, but we do know that Petraeus is held in high regard. Armed Services voted unanimously to confirm him.

And from the OPJ:

Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton. It sounds like the Wars of the Roses: Lancaster, York, Lancaster, York.

To compare our political struggles to the conflicts between rival dynasties may be carrying it too far. But we have become, I think, a nation that is less small-r republican and more royalist than it used to be. Viscerally, this strikes me as a bad thing. But as I've thought about it, I've decided that something can be said for the increasing royalism of our politics. And whether you like it or not, you can't deny it's there. Not when the wife of the 42nd president is a leading candidate to succeed the 43rd president who in turn is the son of the 41st president. The two George Bushes are referred to in their family, we are told, as 41 and 43. If Hillary Clinton wins, will she and her husband call each other 42 and 44?

Michael writes of lineage and political dynasties in the US and his points are well taken and if we go off from that, Mitt Romney is the son of a very popular Gov. of Michigan, when Detroit mattered, a major factor in our economy and now a weak link, unions,cough, cough, and fits Barone's picture. Mitt has a style and class far and above every other candidate by a long margin, add that to his brains, personal charisma and leadership abilities with world class presentation and we have a candidate to really get behind.
Roll Mitt Roll!!!
Welcome again to the folks at Mitt Romney08, just post a comment while you are here so the Goat knows who is visiting the Barnyard.

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