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Sunday, January 29, 2006

The GOP's Secret Weapon

I will on occasion stray out of the Barnyard and visit the city slickers and read their conversations at their internet coffee houses such as Kos, Atrios and the DU for kicks and giggles, it always puts a smile on my face and some bounce in my step. It is not because I agree or like what I read, it is precisely the opposite, the reason is if this is the base the DNC chooses to pander to then conservatives should have no trouble convincing sane americans which party to vote for. I gather from reading the comments most are in college and not yet in the workforce or to dumb and lazy to hold , keep and grow a career once employed. Michael Medved had a liberal/admitted communist party member and organizer of the SOTU address protest on his radio show the other day with no real job, a professional protester and admitted it doesn't pay the bills. I hate to tell them George Soros will get tired of flushing money down the toilet, which he has already threatened to do if the Dems don't filibuster Alito. Somehow, I don't see the american people cozying up to the radical left as Mama Moonbat Cindy Sheehan did with a socialist dictator, Chavez, and the DNC did to loony left. As I refered to last night we aren't trying to silence them with pies and and other loony interuptions of their speakers, why should we, they are doing just fine in promoting our point that they haven't a clue. I say let the donkeys bray all they want, it is their right to make fools of themselves. Why should we stop them?
Our secret weapon!

PS: I added some links to the blogroll today and all worthy of a daily scan, Captains Quarters, The Belmont Club and the Officers Club all extremely informative

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