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Sunday, January 01, 2006

Plus ce Change, Plus ce le Meme Chose

Roughly translated as 'the more that things change, the more the stay the same' , this old french colloquialism still carries weight today. As Victor Davis Hanson points out in is his latest article we have lost a sense of history and fail to learn from or understand its implications on the future. Going further Mark Steyn explores the declining birthrates of the "civilized" and the explosion in the "third world" of Islamism. There are predictions and look backs galore in all forms of media. 2005 was a profound year of optimism amongst the gloom painted by the MSM, most notably elections in Iraq and Afganistan, the outpouring of American generosity in the face of tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, and terrorist evil.
2005 saw the passing of John Paul, a man than embodied human suffering to continue his message of "Do not be afraid". I am not Catholic though he had a deep effect on my life through the little I read and learned of him so profound was his life. We saw the rise of Cardinal Ratzinger to take the name of Benedict, a true bulldog/sheepdog in the Doug Giles definition.
I had much time to contemplate things over six days on the road crossing america, its incredible beauty, its vast emptiness, the idiocy of the loonyleft and the rightness of american conservatism. In over 72 hours on the road about 90 minutes of that was urban driving, ie. suburbs or cities. Driving I-40 most of the way is a vision of high plains and desert mountains with solitary houses and small communities as mere stars on the vastness. My point is the megalopolis liberal enviromental activists only see LA ,NY and the "Gay Bay" on their flyover flights, all filled by like minded neurotic city folk. I saw from Bakersfield, Ca. to B'ham, Al. a vast swatch of america void of people except us on the highway.
I say let them pack themselves into their cities and not have children and in one generation or so they will be gone as Mark Steyn points out with his unique flair.

"As fertility shrivels, societies get older—and Japan and much of Europe are set to get older than any functioning societies have ever been. And we know what comes after old age. These countries are going out of business—unless they can find the will to change their ways"

A country boy will survive depite the best efforts of the metrosexual feminist trend. I may not have a church to attend though I am a Christian and willing to fight and die for my God, my country and my family.

Update: I had to add this piece by George Jonas on the Idiot Savant, I guess why I prefer to know a little about alot than be an expert on little after all that's what experts are for. I'll stick to common barnyard sense, thank you.


KEvron said...

so how many kids you got, goat?


Goat said...

None, I am single and have not met the mother yet, why do you ask, Kev? Did you read Mark Steyn's essay?

KEvron said...

"....why do you ask, Kev?"

actually, i knew this from a previous post. i was just pointing out the irony of this post. jez joshin'.

"Did you read Mark Steyn's essay?"

no, i didn't read it. like you, i have discriminating tastes. the kook writes for the washington times, for cryin' out loud! and movie reviews, no less!

no, i only read your post.


Goat said...

Oh I read Dowd, Krugman, and Kos and many other leftist and or DNC sites, I am not so discriminatory to not read other opinions or carry on a conversation with one. I do have a sense of humor, since the spokespeople for the left are actors and comediennes and I do like to be entertained. You might learn something by venturing beyond your union set borders, consider it. Perhaps you have the Huxleyian vision of testtube clones to maintain humanity, I don't know? What is your position on partial birth abortion, Kev, killing the baby as it is being delivered fully viable to life?

KEvron said...

my "union set borders"?! do you actually believe the stuff you post?

when you gonna venture to read the da vinci code, hypocrite? got your tickets for brokeback mountain yet?

yer a gem, goat! trully priceless....


Goat said...

Why would I want to watch a couple of gay sheep herders make whoopee? I am glad you check in Kev, means you are at least a little open minded. I must wonder about your fascination with my site though since you obviously disagree? I like to glow like a gem, I pray that it is the Lord giving me light.

Goat said...

What is your stance on killing a human life as it emerges from the womb of life,Kev? Do you support murder?

KEvron said...

"What is your stance on killing a human life as it emerges from the womb of life,Kev?"

"soup's on!"

"Do you support murder?"

only for oil.


Goat said...

Thank you for revealing your morally challenged ways, it provides clarity to those of of us with a soul. I gather from your post it is OK to kill newborns but not OK to kill terrorists, am I correct? You even bring up the illusion of eatings fetus soup, is this your badge of justice?

"What is your stance on killing a human life as it emerges from the womb of life,Kev?"

"soup's on!"

"Do you support murder?"

only for oil.

You are a sick individual.


8:29 PM

Goat said...

The comment " You are a sick individual" is mine in the previous comment referring to Kev.

An editing error, my apologies.

Goat said...

Oh and thanks Kev for the idiotatarian input, refreshing to say the least, fetus soup sounds so invigorating, BAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

KEvron said...

i aims to please.


KEvron said...

oh, and you may infer from my comments anything you like, right or wrong. it's a free country, even for self-deluded, reactionary dupes....


Goat said...

Like yourself, I presume.

KEvron said...

you may presume anything you like. it's a free country, even for self-deluded, reactionary dupes....

BAby KIller

Goat said...

You represent the baby killer not I , let that be clear. What is your position on partial birth abortion ,Kev? I am willing to bet you supported the life of a gangster thug, Tookie Williams, over the life of a newborn innocent.

KEvron said...

did you visit tookie in prison like He told you to do?


Goat said...

Tookie didn't tell me anything, he was a violent thug gangster. I would prefer public hanging. I would also add rape and child molestation to death row. Weak on crime, weak on national security, strong on killing babies and gay sex, what does the DNC and the left have to offer that a conservative could like or an independant? That is why I registered Republican in '04, I used to be an independant voting Dem. most of the time or third party, Perot was my man. The only thing you have managed to convince me of, Kevron, is the correctness of my choice.

KEvron said...

no, not "he", "He". you know; the least of His brothers....


KEvron said...

"The only thing you have managed to convince me of, Kevron, is the correctness of my choice."

so who's trying to convince you of anything?! please cite the relevant passage, or get over yourself....
