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Monday, January 16, 2006

Life can be a challenge. It can, also be a vast playground if you have a good guide or guide book. To venture into life with Christ and the Bible at your side is having both.

The Patriot Post

Founders' Quote Daily
"Natural rights [are] the objects for the protection of whichsociety is
formed and municipal laws established."-- Thomas Jefferson
(Letter to James Monroe, 1791)Reference: The Writings of Thomas Jefferson,
Memorial Edition,Lipscomb and Bergh, eds., vol. 9 (422)

"One single object...[will merit] the endless gratitude of the society: that of restraining the judges from usurping legislation." —Thomas Jefferson

1 comment:

Goat said...

I should have lft Keron the erronious's post up, it was so flattering.
"Alcohol will drown you, hard unthanked work will raise you, no matter how dirty or horrid the job, do it right with a smile. Be glad you have a job and aren't a stinky drunk slob defecating in doorways and sidewalks."
The last post is a perfect example of immature, lazy apathy.
I made the quote about alcohol and I an attesting from personal experience, I probably know a bit more of the backside of humanity than my liberal friend.
Kevron, you are nothing but a typical loser spewing unfounded talking points and cute one-liners. You have hardly convinced this voter of the validity of your platform. By the way , do you have one yet, your dark mistress Pelosi or maestro Reid have not produced one yet?
If you haven't noticed, the GOP is not a mish mash of special interest groups, it is the party of ideas on how to move america forward and not into socialism and Orwellian speechcodes. We ain't stupid and as Fonzi would say? Sit On It"!

too funny!
