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Monday, January 23, 2006

Some Personal Clap Trap

A few months ago an underling coworker posted a grotesque XXX comment here, it was of course deleted, my blogger buddy Cabe saw it and confirmed the timestamp and source. I busted the coworker and thouroughly chastised him, he wears a tinfoil hat, so I doubt he heard me. Since then several commenters hailing from the liberal loonbat sites he frequents have shown up here and on several of my fellow conservative blogger's sites.
Well today in our shop meeting he basically accused me of creating a hostile work environment that prevented him from doing his job properly. I have KTKZ on the radio, Ingraham, Medved and Hewitt during work hours. I had recently busted him for surfing the internet on company time and probing into company finances. To me, that is my job as a loyal shop foreman. My reply, no KTKZ, no music either as overplayed, moldy 70's and 80's oldies drive me to distraction as well. He has his own glass business and I have caught him trying to skim business from us as well. This is why credit the sudden appearance of rabid lefty commentors at several of our blogs to him. I offer my apologies to those sites this virus has spread to.
It must suck to be a tinfoil hat wearing loony working in a shop full of conservative GOP voters that know how to debate, even our other DNC voter is more conservative than he would admit though a socially liberal Budhist. I am a royal bitch to work for, if you don't do it right the first time, do it over with me breathing down your neck the whole time. I have to be that way if I am the ram completing $500,000 contracts on time or $5 walk ins with a smile and swift service. He even had the audacity to complain that I reported his activities to the boss, that is my job. He is white as a sheet and claims victomhood as a mexican, sorry to say he was born and raised in the US to caucasion parents of mexican descent, and speaks fluent ebonics.
This is what was on my mind tonight so I am posting it, with the suggestion to ignore or delete the recent loonbats that have been around, a public service announcement of sorts.
Take care and have a great day.

Ps: My "Owl" has some great posts up, she is a GOP operative in Kennedy/Kerry country, throw her some support if you can.


Mark said...

Goat, if you are the supervisor, and he is indeed snooping into company computer files, you have every right to fire him.

tugboatcapn said...

I posted about this subject myself tonight.

In today's political climate, we are forced to defend our positions against people who think that serious political debate means accusing each other of Bestiality.

And they wonder why we don't take their assertions seriously...

Goat said...

Thanks for the moral support Tug and Mark. Goat Gruff knows a bit about standing firm on that bridge, a moral legacy.