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Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Twenty years ago I was pushing a broom at a now defunct shop for minimum wage in Alabama, now I am a foreman at one of the top custom glass shops in California and a homeowner here. I took responsibilty for my life and worked hard so I could be better compensated for my labor. No government or union helped me nor did I seek that route, I just went to work. I hear all sorts of grumbles and moans about "living wage" and no concerns about work ethic, such as showing up and doing the assigned job to the best of ones abilities despite what it is. I got my semi-cushy position because I took on the jobs noone else would do and did them correctly. I believe most americans work hard, set goals and find ways to achieve them.
That is why I am optomistic about '06 and the conservative movement, we set goals and work to achieve them. The DNC has clearly showed it is a party of opposition and extreemism, just listening to clips of the Alito hearings shows this. Biden, Fienstien and company do not represent me, they showed themselves to be totally inept in Con. law and in Kennedy's case unable to get past his own gin flatulated comments without burping , clearly intoxicated by more than his own hubris. Do they really think they are fooling anyone other than there socialist base?
Cindy Sheehan and Sean Spicolli Penn were in town over the weekend and even the Sac'to Bee did not mention or cover it that I saw. I learned about it at Little Green Footballs, a blog that roasts the MSM for lunch. Dang it, I would love to have attended wearing a lizardoid tee from LGF and blogged on it, sadly I did not know. I guess it was a private rant and did not want tough questioning of Mama Moonbat. "Gag me with a spoon", do we want a faux "valley girl" to dominate national debate on defense and terrorism? I don't think so, fellow conservatives, fiscal and social, we cannot let the DNC even think of regaining power. 2005 was a rough year with natural disaster at every turn in the midst of a global war. We need wise shepherds and and sheepdogs to lead not defeatist losers. 2006, we must prove why we are the winning team once again!

1 comment:

Goat said...

Hey GT, welcome back, I am sorry to hear of a tragic loss and joyed to hear of a new birth. I have to hand it Arlen for putting Ted in his place, I heard the bout on Hugh's show on my home this evening and it made my day. Alito wil be confirmed and the fever swamp of the left cannot stop it. Yes the torch still burns bright. How ca it not with the choice fuel provided free from the DNC talking heads? They make it way to easy for us, we need more challenge to keep the GOP on the "Right" track.