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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Conspiracy Nuts

Jonah Goldberg's latest column provides a provacative look at the loonbat conspiracy theorists out there and debunks them well.

There is a virulent form of unpatriotism festering in America today. Like an algae bloom that deprives life of oxygen, it starves democracy of the air of reason. It now thrives on what we call the far left, but like a dead zone off the coast, it moves with the tides.
I am referring to the seditious dementia of conspiracy theories, the death of faith not in some mere administration or Congress but in America itself.
Haven’t you heard? The U.S. government blew up the World Trade Center. Oh, sorry, that’s not right. The planes did knock down those buildings, but the White House was in on it. Oh, no, sorry again, that’s not what happened. It was the Jews. They razed it without leaving any fingerprints — save for the 4,000 Zionist co-conspirators who were tipped off in advance — in order to frame the peace-loving Muslims of al-Qaida. (Those crafty Hebrews are always coming up with clever ways to make Islamic fanatics look bad, like getting blown up.) Bin Laden’s admission that he did it? Well, of course. He’s in on it.

I agree with Jonah on his point that these folks are as unpatriotic as it gets. My favorite day on Michael Medved's radio show is his conspiracy hour where he invites the whackos to call in, it can be truelly hilarious to listen to these idiot savants try to make their case to one of the best informed men in America, the dream "Trivial Pursuit" partner. I do a tremendous amount of digging and surfing the internet and would have serious trouble justifying even the strongest of their arguments let alone believing them. I had never even heard of Builderburgers or "Literati" or "Project For a New American Century" untill recently and it all seems to come from the same place, MoveOn.org and there loony barnacles. If there is a conspiracy it is among the George Soros whackjobs, Soros a committed Socialist and anti-American made billions playing the currency exchange and now wants to parlay that into a takeover of the American Gov't and way of life to make us more like Europe with its failing economy and terribly unstable social structure. Socialism does not work nor does autacracy, theocracy, or pure democracy, that is why our founders derived a brilliant and viable Constitutional Federalist Representative Republican form of government where the integrity and virtuousness of its people select its leaders and the leaders are held accountable through elections on a regular basis. Yes we need a strong central government but they cannot overstep the bounds set down in our Constitution to surpass the will of the individual states. If you doubt me, read The Federalist Papers and The Anti-Federalist Papers and decide for yourself. Alexander Hamilton, James Madison and John Jay had the winning argument and 230 odd years later here we stand as the most powerful nation in History with a nod to the Greeks and Romans.Are we about to cross an exit threshold? I seriously doubt it.
The opposition is no longer liberal or progressive but socialistic and regressive seeking to remove the First and Second Ammendments through the courts and not popular opinion and grow the government to encompass all aspects of our lives. They are not Democrats or Liberals, they are loonbats. Classic Liberals like John Kennedy, 'Scoop' Jackson, Zell Miller and alas even ultra-liberal Joe Lieberman have no place in the loonbat party circles these days. JFK would be a Republican today if he saw what his party now represents as their platform, appease the terrorists, socialist programs, gay marriage, etc. etc. etc. My Mom is still a registered Democrat but votes with the GOP, a John Kennedy Democrat, not Teddy, the same went for my late father, a Marine Sgt. and both very conservative products of The Great Depression.
A blogger buddy, Pero, has posted a very interesting article by a Brit journalist, Andrew Gimson, this is a must read. Apparently this Brit was very impressed by our "old-fashioned" politeness and charm. Read it yourself.
As we took off from London for New York a few days ago, our three over-excited children asked if there was any chance of the plane being blown up. I explained that the likelihood of that happening was virtually zero, and wondered how we were going to maintain some semblance of order during the flight. One did not wish the sedate American passengers by whom we were surrounded to form the impression that British parents are unable or unwilling to impart the rudiments of good manners.
Luckily, American Airlines had provided a screen on the back of the seat in front of one's own, on which one could watch old movies. There was also a map showing how far we had gone, on which places of interest were marked. It began by showing only two places: London and Chartwell.
The Americans are more old-fashioned than us, and what is equally admirable, they are not ashamed of being old-fashioned. They know Churchill was a great man, so they put his house on the map. There is a kind of Englishman to whom this sort of behaviour seems painfully unsophisticated

And from a confirmed socialist and Barnyard detractor, confessions,LOL.
I just dont know how to reconcile it all. I guess.. most people just want a job and a good life. If only government could provide this for everybody.

So an admittance of Socialism comes to life, it is the government's responsibility to provide jobs and a good life. How about getting off your ass and earning it!?!

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