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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Some Odds And Ends

An Iraqi dentist and his brother run a popular blog out of Bagdad called Iraq The Model, I have linked them many times in the past and they have made it to the pages of the Wall Street Journal and its online OPJ with this awesome piece and another sledgehammer to the loonbat's platform.
As I write the first few lines of this post Omar directs me to an AFP story about the media and 9/11 which left me in shock; the nonsense spread from Arabs to Americans themselves that some in the American MSM are firing their criticism arrows at the victim, turning logic upside down in an offensive and insulting manner explaining that by saying they are searching for solutions to the problem or to avoid another 9/11. Many go as far as criticizing and condemning the American administration that had only been in office for six months when America came under the attack that had been in planning for years which means the terrorists had no clue what that administration's policy would be like and didn't even know who was going to be in office when they started planning the attack.
As I have said repeatedly the Dems don't stand a chance come November. They have no new ideas, no solutions, no actual platform other than we are not them and we blocked judges and other crucial legislation to protect America. The GOP has stumbled a couple of times but the DNC is falling all over itself, Plame-gate, failed, culture of corruption , backfired, gay-marriage, backfired, The GWOT and Iraq, inane, disingenuous and appeasement centered surrendercrats. The Dems are too worried about how the "world" sees us. I want to give the world one impression, that of the Union Jack "Don't Tread On Me", we bite like a rattlesnake. The GOP carries the sledge and the wedges as well as the ax, the DNC wants somebody else to do the work, the taxpayers. The DNC does not want government control over terrorist thugs but it wants government control of every aspect of our lives, from healthcare to wages, sounds like socialism to me with even a taint of fascism through bigger government control of the masses through "hate" crime bills. What is hilarious about it is our ultra far left wants to appease the ultra-conservative far right Islamists, with what "gay-pride parades", yeah, uh-huh and I have a bridge in Manhattan to sell you. Michael Barone, Mr. Politics has a great article out on the changed narrative of September from this summer.
Narratives matter -- stories that make sense of the messy realities of the world, that connect cause with effect, that have a beginning, middle and end. We seek to understand the struggle in Iraq by constructing narratives and fitting events into them. But sometimes a narrative is undercut and rendered inoperative by emerging facts. And sometimes a new narrative emerges when facts previously unknown come to light. Both happened in the past two weeks.
The narrative that was undercut was the claim by Joseph Wilson that the Bush White House had breached national security by disclosing the identity of his wife to reporters.
This was supposedly done to discredit Wilson's July 2003 New York Times article, in which he said he had debunked George W. Bush's claim that Iraq was trying to obtain uranium in Africa. The Wilson claim helped to embed the "Bush lied, people died" theme in public discourse.
It has long since come out that just about everything Wilson said was false. He was not, as he suggested, sent on his mission to Niger by Dick Cheney. He was recommended for the trip, contrary to his denial, by his wife, CIA employee Valerie Plame. He reported to the CIA that an Iraqi official had come to Niger on a trade mission in 1999 -- evidence that tended to confirm rather than refute the British intelligence claim that Iraq was uranium-shopping in Africa -- a claim that Britain's Lord Butler judged "well founded."

Women have gained inordinate control over men's lives through the court system and radical feminism. Phyllis Schlafley explores this in her latest post. It is one reason I am am still single, I don't dare open my mouth, I don't want to go to jail for a non-crime.

It brought to mind the title of the George Gershwin song "They All Laughed" when a Santa Fe, N.M., family court judge granted a temporary restraining order against "Late Show" host David Letterman to protect a woman he had never met, never heard of, and lived 2,000 miles away from.

President Bush gave a very resolved and serious speech last night outlining the GWOT. The Dems are proceeding to whine and cry that it is politicizing the war, what have they been doing the past three years other than politicizing the war? They have become nothing but blatant idiots and what is sad is that people actually listen to them and believe them.

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