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Thursday, September 07, 2006

Winning The Future

That is Newt Gingrich's theme and I really like it, this is a thinking man's politician like Mitt Romney he has actual solutions to the problems we face as a nation. He has another brilliant piece in the OPJ on the threats we face from abroad and he is spot on the money.

Five years have passed since the horrific attack on our American homeland, and, still, there is one serious, undeniable fact we have yet to confront: We are, today, not where we wanted to be and nowhere near where we need to be.
In April of 1861, in response to the firing on Fort Sumter, President Lincoln called for 75,000 volunteers to serve for 90 days. Lincoln had greatly underestimated the challenge of preserving the Union. No one imagined that what would become the Civil War would last four years and take the lives of 620,000 Americans.
By the summer of 1862, with thousands of Americans already dead or wounded and the hopes of a quick resolution to the war all but abandoned, three political factions had emerged. There were those who thought the war was too hard and would have accepted defeat by negotiating the end of the United States by allowing the South to secede. Second were those who urged staying the course by muddling through with a cautious military policy and a desire to be "moderate and reasonable" about Southern property rights, including slavery.
We see these first two factions today. The Kerry-Gore-Pelosi-Lamont bloc declares the war too hard, the world too dangerous. They try to find some explainable way to avoid reality while advocating return to "normalcy," and promoting a policy of weakness and withdrawal abroad.
Most government officials constitute the second wing, which argues the system is doing the best it can and that we have to "stay the course"--no matter how unproductive. But, after being exposed in the failed response to Hurricane Katrina, it will become increasingly difficult for this wing to keep explaining the continuing failures of the system.
Just consider the following: Osama bin Laden is still at large. Afghanistan is still insecure. Iraq is still violent. North Korea and Iran are still building nuclear weapons and missiles. Terrorist recruiting is still occurring in the U.S., Canada, Great Britain and across the planet.

How do we solve this problem? Read the article, Newt actually has real ideas and solutions. That leads me to another article by Matt Towery on Townhall. He raises some interesting questions about the roll of the social conservatives in the GOP. In the Goat's opinion most socially conservative concerns are better dealt with away from the Feds. I am socially conservative though my primary concerns are fiscal, economic and security of the US, at this time socially conservative bills get in the way of real legislation needed to protect and advance our mutual country. I am far more worried about the jihadist in Iraq or Pakistan than I am the gay fruitcake in San Francisco that wants a state contract with its partner or some stinky hippy burning the flag. I am a Constitutional Federalist, fiscal conservative first and though I am pro-life and support God in the Pledge, if the nation is not sound in security and fiscal issues the others don't matter.
So there it is. My semiannual disclaimer.

Why now? Because this week I have to deliver follow-up news to last week's column. In it, I suggested that the September 5 Republican primary in Florida might turn out to be a historic electoral test for any organized religious, conservative political machine that might exist, either in Florida or anywhere else.

We have an answer. Following the election blowout of Judge Roy "Ten Commandments" Moore in Alabama and the defeat of former Christian Coalition director Ralph Reed in Georgia comes Tuesday's overwhelming victory by Florida's moderate Republican Attorney General Charlie Crist. By a two-to-one margin, he defeated the more socially conservative state Chief Financial Officer Tom Gallagher and moved one step closer to succeeding Jeb Bush as governor.

This tells me that the once-mighty "organized" Christian-conservative voting bloc is no longer intact.

I have only been a registered GOPer since Oct. '04, supported Perot in '92 and '96 and thus helped elect our Rapist-in-Chief who now complains about how he is portrayed in the ABC docudrama about the lead up to 9/11. I can say without a single doubt the democrats/socialist appeassers cannot be allowed power in our government. This maybe the most important vote of our generation and we cannot let our children down to subjugation under Islam. I don't want to live under a Muslim theocacy or any theocracy. I am a simple unafilliated Christian wishing to worship in peace in my own way. Government is for security and infrastructure and not legislated morality be it income redistribution through welfare programs, or flag burning ammendments. It ain't the government's business. It is the people's business to monitor their kids, schools, and neighborhoods. It is up to us, that is the beauty of our Constitution is that it is up to us to achieve that "Shining City On A Granite Ridge" that Ronald Reagan envisioned. We can do it!

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