Happy New Year
Untill then there is beer to drink and fireworks to shoot off, little time for typing so my greetings are short. I wish everyone the best!
Happy Newyear
Come join us for a slice of Americana with a helping of conservative politics on the side. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"
Untill then there is beer to drink and fireworks to shoot off, little time for typing so my greetings are short. I wish everyone the best!
Happy Newyear
Posted by
8:55 PM
5,000 miles later I am back to my humble abode with some antiques and other family oddities. I had an awesome trip and enjoyed connecting with my niece, what a fireball, as pretty as a sunset and as full of energy as a sunrise. I wish I had a slim portion of that energy still, it was surely invigorating. I don't recommend the drive to anyone but those with loose screws like me though it is an absolutely stunning drive that I could spend a couple of months doing. I will get some pictures up tommorrow.
As fully expected, knowing the trash, my house was, of course, broken into while I was gone. I have nothing left to steal, they got it the first two times. The funny part is though they took some things of value to me they missed cash and bags of cans for recycling, we get almost $2 a pound here. The got a scanner , worthless without the software, a nice goretex parka and a cordless sawzall. I almost forgot, one snowshoe, I have to laugh. I knew it would happen, such is my neighborhood, and to be honest I can't afford a big dog or an alarm at this time. Life will go on and they will have their day before the Lord as will I.
I await 2006 with an exilerating freshness as my fellow conservatives seem to be forcing themselves through the malaise of MSM journalism. How many more readers does the NYT or their fellow subtrolls need to lose before they wake up and realize america is a little different than their NY condo? I have spent the last two weeks listening to America as I made my way there and back. The retoric from the Deaniacs, concerned me as we need a viable multiparty system to function, unfortunately the DNC has placed its bet in the far left. America is center right/left, "we the people" are in charge, need I remind you. The defeatocrats are hurting the DNC badly, yet they cannot cut the monetary umbilical cord. To find the differences between the parties look at the supporters; ie George Soros.
Subnote: I got my first Merry Christmas in Mississippi at a little country gas station with real southern biscuits, Yyyumm,Baaaa!
Posted by
8:56 PM
It was a long though beautiful drive, untill you have driven america you have not seen america. I made it safely in good time to be home for Christmas. I must say driving solo adds a level of commitment to the journey. I pray everyone arrives at their destinations safely and the joy of His Birth encompasses us all as we celebrate.
I will have a nice photo journalistic piece ready for when I get back to Ca. so many thoughts and observances that come with time on the road and the pictures, most I won't post on a public site for copyright reasons, sorry, y'all get the worst of the pick with an occasional treat.
And from Luke 2, read the whole book!
And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in
swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them
in the inn.
And there were in the same country
shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the
glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I
bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a
Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall
be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying
in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel
a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good
will toward men.
Posted by
6:08 PM
I have chosen to drive back to Al. for the Christmas celebration this year. I have much to bring back and since I have a truck and don't mind driving, it is an adventure. I will be passing through towns from american history like Albaquerque , Tucumcari ,Amarillo, Oklahoma City, Little Rock and Memphis and vast swatches of desert and great plains and some mountains. I often think of James Michnor's "Centennial" and our colonization of the wild west, I like history.
I will be away for a few days though I am semimobile and will post as I can.
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas!
Update a good one sent from a reader (GT) see it here!
Posted by
7:32 PM
That is one nice thing about life here, it the fog burns off the sunsets are spectacular this time of year. Have you ever gotten that mood where your brain wants to rant and your soul tells you peace, be calm? I am having one of those moments, wanting to rant on everything imaginable and add a few things since I read too much and yet His Spirit tells my soul to take a chill for the season of His Birth and to focus on Christmas. This time of year because of the commercialization of the celebration and attending pressures we tend to lose sight of the real reason for Christmas, the birth of Hope.
I believe I can honestly say the vast majority of america has Hope for a better future and understands the message that Christmas brings. Christmas represents birth that is why the pagan solstice celebration was adapted as it celebrates the birth of spring and new life just as the birth of Christ offers a rebirth to spring and new life to those that take His hand as their Saviour as I do.
Why don't churches organize Christmas parades using the same legal permit process as the gay pride groups? That is not playing politics, it is exercising constitututional right and we should not be silent in that matter. Play by the rules and victory will be achieved, though as a favorite pundit often says "We have to be Bulldogs, not poodles"!
Posted by
7:20 PM
How dare the loonbats wish to deny the Iraqi people this freedom mantra of the liberated 60s!!!
Posted by
10:24 PM
Donner Lake from Donner summit, Truckee is roughly in the center. The Donner party spent their fateful winter at the far end of the lake with thirty foot snows. All you see is white now except the blue of the lake. The Truckee ski areas are at my back, as are some great rock climbing areas, even a few drips for the ice climbers.
Posted by
8:49 PM
I am looking forward to this and expect him to readdrees the NSA nonscandal, other than for the leakers of classified lawful information, and even if he doesn't it has been fisked clean already. If you are not contacting foriegn terrorists groups or supplying funds for them then you have nothing to worry about. My site is monitored because I link to them and they asked for my help in the propoganda war, something I am very proud to do as I am to old to enlist. I expect them to monitor sites that link to or access gov't sites just as the Goat manages the Barnyard. I'll be back with updates on the speech.
Update: Russert says this all about Iraq, GWB opens with the elections.
Darrn right we can be proud!
Defending intelligence and accepting his responsibility as POTUS.
Explaining islamo/fascism, right on the money.
So far so good, takes a jab at the MSM.
Now the gloves come off Jab,Jab,Jab. Go purple finger as a thorn in the eye of the terrorists!
Nail the defeatocrats, bam right hook.
You tell'em, George!
The Road home is victory!
Security of our people, great message!
Good will and peace on earth!
Reaction: I thought it was direct and honest as a man can be. He accepts his resposibility as POTUS and has the backing of the american people despite the best efforts of the MSM and skewed pollsters. A needed presidential statement at a turning point in history the outcome of which is yet unknown. Have we made mistakes, sure wars aren't computer simulations, they involve the most complex of equations, the human factor. They are learning slower than we had hoped but exponintially now as hope grows, and their lives expand and grow in freedom, that the west is not the enemy, but their own rulers are/were. Communication can never be silenced and those that believe in freedom and those that oppose it also know this .
Posted by
5:31 PM
I read two interesting articles today on Mitt most notably by Terry Eastland at The Weekly Standard, and boy does he have a resume as a finacial genius. I am becoming more convinced we need this guy in the Whitehouse. A self made man, conservative fiscally and socially and a darn good speaker, a man of workable solutions to complex problems and the leadership to pull it off with bipartisan support. He's also a federalist believing in the rights of the states to deal with most social issues and rightly so. As of now, I am in his camp unless things drastically change.
Some cuts from Eastland's article:
And from David Holman at The American Spectator:"WILLARD MITT ROMNEY is a native of Michigan, the son of the late George
Romney, CEO of American Motors, a three-term governor of Michigan in the 1960s,
Nixon's secretary of
Housing and Urban Development, and, briefly in 1968, a
presidential candidate. Mitt Romney went to Brigham Young University (he was
valedictorian in the College of the Humanities) before collecting business and
law degrees from Harvard. Staying in Boston, he worked for a consulting firm for
three years, then founded a venture capital company. Romney acquired a
reputation for fixing troubled companies, so it wasn't surprising that in 1990
his own company, which he'd left and which was sinking into debt, asked him to
come back and save it.
But Romney's most remarkable intervention--the one
that placed him on a national stage--came with the 2002 Winter Olympics held in
Salt Lake City. In 1999 the event already was $379 million in debt, and there
were allegations of bribery involving top officials. Romney was asked to head up
the games. Under his leadership, they turned into a spectacular success,
clearing a profit of $100 million. Romney himself contributed $1 million, and
donated his three years of pay ($275,000 per annum) to charity."
"As governor, Romney has scored another turnaround, conservative in both
ends and means. Told during the campaign that he would inherit a deficit of
between $500 million and $1.5 billion, Romney discovered upon taking office a
$650 million deficit in fiscal 2003 and an anticipated one of $3 billion in
fiscal 2004. Romney balanced the 2003 budget, and he finished 2004 with a $700
million surplus. A reviving economy helped, but Romney didn't tax or borrow, and
he reduced spending through government consolidation and reform"
"After Mitt Romney announced this week that he would not seek reelection as
governor of Massachusetts, the Washington Post briefly mentioned what could be Romney's biggest hurdle in a
presidential run: "Another problem could be his Mormon faith -- which
strategists say might turn off some evangelical Christian voters." Accompanying
its front page article on the announcement, the Boston Globe speculated about Romney's "viability." The Globe listed "overcoming
prejudices about his religion" among two other deficiencies, foreign policy
inexperience and being perceived as a Northeast liberal. And over at NRO's The Corner, where writers have taken a particular interest in
Romney, his membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS)
became topic A. So what is Romney's Mormon problem?"
"What do evangelical leaders active in politically conservative circles say
about a Romney candidacy? Many I asked were reluctant to be quoted by name. As
one of them told me, "We have to work with Mormons." Over the past
quarter-century Mormons have made common cause with politically conservative
evangelicals (and Catholics) on a broad range of issues involving marriage,
family, abortion, stem cells, pornography, and religious liberty. Moreover,
Mormons have worked alongside evangelicals for many of the same candidates at
election time.
Someone willing to go on the record was Charles Colson
of Prison Fellowship. Notwithstanding his "fundamental" theological differences
with Mormonism, Colson said, "I could in very good conscience support Romney,"
calling him "a first-rate guy in every respect" and "a social conservative on
most of the issues we care about." Colson obviously wasn't declaring for Romney,
but simply indicating that he would not in religious principle, so to speak, be
opposed to Romney and indeed could find political reasons to support him.
Whether he would actually do so, of course, would "all depend on what the lineup
is" and "where each person stands." The other evangelical leaders I contacted
took the same view. Colson offered the likely correct forecast: Romney's appeal
to evangelicals might slacken if a competent evangelical or Catholic with social
views similar to Romney's were in the race; on the other hand, Romney's stock
with evangelicals might go up if he were pitted against candidates holding more
liberal social views, regardless of their religion. One evangelical leader
offered this succinct take on whether Romney's faith would hurt him in the
primaries: "Against Giuliani, no. Against Frist, yes. Against [Rick] Santorum,
yes. Against Arnold [Schwarzenegger, who is ineligible], no."
Posted by
7:17 PM
What has happened to it? Are we resigned to the latest sit-com commentary? I hope not! Is television and the internet destroying intrapersonal relations? I don't know as I have met a wide variety of characters and saints on the web. I can say with great honor the vast majority are supporters of the USA.
Posted by
10:18 PM
Another ink stained finger in the eye of the defeatocrats, as Iraq votes again. The far left is groaning under the weight of victory and search for every little negative to prop up their defeat at any cost agenda. I will only offer millions of freely inkstained fingers as a counter to Saddam's human shreddders and butchers. We have done a great thing and the American people should be exuberantly proud of our new friends in Iraq. Yea the Islamo fascists and Saddamites hate us but that is a very small minority.
Posted by
8:19 PM
I am pretty much anti-Hollywood, and this latest propoganda piece, Brokeback Mountain, a gay cowboy "love story" just wote their obituary in my book despite masterpieces like The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe. This is male bashing at its finest and seeks to destroy the friendships between men and the bonding that takes place on fishing , hunting and camping trips. I am sure as hell not playing Brokeback Mountain on my regular ventures. This film seeks to drive a wedge between men and their ladies as well as both the fags are married with children. This is a far left propoganda film and nothing less no matter how well acted, produced or the cinemagraphic beauty of Wyoming is. I consider it an affront to all of us rednecks and countryboys. I don't see any faggots, except the ones in the campfire, around my trout streams, mountain passes and deer stands. I am insulted, can I file hate crime charges? The first gay sex scene is just 10 minutes into the movie, courtesy of Michael Medved, who gave it 3 1/2 stars. I see it as flying in the face of all things masculine and making it a homosexual activity. I have stayed out of the fag debate untill now. They attacked manhood at its core and attempt to debase it to a homosexual experience, I can't and won't let this attack go without response.
Homophobic: to be scared of homosexuals. I ain't scared of fags I just think they are amoral creeps and perverts bent on ruining decent civilization as they did in Rome, Athens and Constantinople. Go on and keep pushing your immoral ways and attacking our societal institutions and expect a backlash of public opinion, Hollywood and the fag agenda. What you do in the privacy of your sin holes is not my business. However, when you get in my face with this kind of propoganda, you make it my business and I will fight with Billy Goat Gruff tenacity to stop you from crossing the bridge!
Update: The fags ain't cowboys, they are sheep herders, dogs, that explains alot, LOL.
Posted by
7:06 PM
Norman Podhoretz has written another doozy of an article covering more of what the MSM is not telling you about the GWOT and the battle for Iraq. Iraq is not a war, it is a specific battle in WW IV and one we must at all cost win just as the Battle of the Bulge was a must win and Iwo Jima. It is long but it is a must read, courtesy of the OPJ.
A couple of quotes.
He decisively dismembers the defeatocrat's lucubrations and retorical hubris with readily available facts if you take the effort to find them, the MSM won't tell you as they have a vested interest in losing since they predicted failure and it is completely the opposite despite their efforts."Like, I am sure, many other believers in what this country
has been trying to do in the Middle East and particularly in Iraq, I have found
my thoughts returning in the past year to something that Tom Paine, writing at
an especially dark moment of the American Revolution, said about such times.
They are, he memorably wrote, "the times that try men's souls," the times in
which "the summer soldier and the sunshine patriot" become so disheartened that
they "shrink from the service of [their] country."
But Paine did not limit
his anguished derision to former supporters of the American War of Independence
whose courage was failing because things had not been going as well on the
battlefield as they had expected or hoped. In a less famous passage, he also let
loose on another group:
'Tis surprising to see how rapidly a panic will
sometimes run through a country. . . . Yet panics, in some cases, have
their uses . . . Their peculiar advantage is, that they are the
touchstones of sincerity and hypocrisy, and bring things and men to light, which
might otherwise have lain for ever undiscovered.Thus, he explained, "Many a
disguised Tory has lately shown his head," emboldened by the circumstances of
the moment to reveal an opposition to the break with Britain that it had
previously seemed prudent to conceal""Tom Paine grew so disgusted with "the mean principles that
are held by the Tories," with the hypocrisy of the disguised Tories, and with
the shrinking from hardship of the summer soldiers and the sunshine patriots of
1776-77 that he finally gave up trying to persuade them:Paine turnedI have been tender
in raising the cry against these men, and used numberless
arguments to show them
their danger, but it will not do to sacrifice a world
to either their folly or
their baseness.And so, "quitting this class of men
. . . who see not
the full extent of the evil that threatens
them,""to those whoand rested
have nobly stood, and are yet determined to stand the matter
his hopes on them.
These hopes, we know and thank God for it, were not
disappointed. And neither will be the hopes of those today who likewise see "the
full extent of the evil that threatens" us; who understand the necessity of the
war that our country has been waging against it; who recognize the moral,
political, and intellectual boldness of how George W. Bush has chosen to fight
this war; and who take pride in the nobility of what the United States, at whose
birth Tom Paine assisted, is now, more than 200 years later, battling to achieve
in Iraq and, in the fullness of time, in the entire region of which Iraq is so
crucial a part."
Posted by
6:59 PM
I saw Mitt Romney on Cspan today and I really like this guy as does my Boston buddy the Madhatter. The more I hear him speak on the many issues I can't overlook how refined and brilliantly solution oriented he is, a problem solver, a doer. This is one very smart man as is Mark Warner also solution oriented, if the 08 race is between these two it will be exactly what america needs, not retoric but hardset plans to move into the future. They both represent states in control of the opposing party and have accomplished much bipartisan success.
There is much to be learned away from the MSM on the War in Iraq. The left and right scream for more information from the administration and they have not taken just a few minutes to search and find what I just a lowly blogger can find in seconds. I simply goto UsCentCom.mil, DefendAmerica.mil, or Whitehouse.gov. I can spend hours exploring the thousands of links and engrossing information available. It is free and open to all.
Found an awesome new milblog today, The Officers Club, some great commentary and analysis, some really cool pics as well. Smash has declared war on the defeatocrats and codestink. Don't miss Threats Watch for another great resource. Our Patriot Armed Forces are the best in the business, victory is not an option it is a perogitive.
Posted by
6:34 PM
According to this quiz on what sort of leading man I would be, they also have one for the classic dames, I find myself in fine company;
Humphrey Bogart
You scored 45% Tough, 4% Roguish, 33% Friendly, and 19% Charming!
You're the original man of honor, rough and tough but willing to stick your
neck out when you need to, despite what you might say to the contrary. You're a
complex character full of spit and vinegar, but with a soft heart and a tender
streak that you try to hide. There's usually a complicated dame in the picture,
someone who sees the real you behind all the tough talk and can dish it out as
well as you can. You're not easy to get next to, but when you find the right
partner, you're caring and loyal to a fault. A big fault. But you take it on the
chin and move on, nursing your pain inside and maintaining your armor...until
the next dame walks in. Or possibly the same dame, and of all the gin joints in
all the world, it had to be yours. Co-stars include Ingrid Bergman and Lauren
Bacall, hot chicks with problems.
Posted by
7:36 PM
To take a break from China slaughtering innocents (hattip:HH), the saber rattling in Iran and MSM ignorance I chose to rock out tonight. I began the evening with Stratovarius and their "Visions" CD, a dose of Dream Theater and then on to my man Yngvie Malmsteen. I know my way around a fretboard pretty well and know a successful musician or two though I stick to "bedroom blues" acoustic now mostly. I love well played strings from the harp to the grand piano, Van Halen to Paginini, Bach and Flatt and Scruggs. Yngvie is a classicalley trained stringist who formed his own genre of heavy rock and is a huge influence in Europe's rockers today like Stratovarius. For new listeners I would recomend "Iquarus Dream Suite" an instrumental about the death of his cat, a beautiful piece. Oneday I will figure out how to link music here on the blog, techie call for help. I was lucky enough to see him live in the early days and I have still yet to lift my chin off the ground. I also got to see Steve Vai and Billy Sheehan on the same stage during DL Roth's "Eat'em and Smile "tour, unreal, I went back to acoustic, LOL.
I am going to raise some hackles now, I think the Beatles and the Rolling Bones are much over rated and John Lennon was just a spaced out drugged up hippy with a modicum of musical talent. I moved from the Kingston Trio and The Brothers Four to Jefferson Airplane and The Grateful Dead, Jimmy Hendrix, Jim Morrison and Bob Dylan adding their cuts as well.
I then discovered Al DiMeola , Jeff Beck, Eric Clapton and Ritchie Blackmore which lead to RJ Dio, Ozzy, Rush and Yes, Megadeth, Metallica and Iron Maiden and Stevie Ray Vaughn, Yngvie, Joe Satriani, Andres Segovia, Armik and Nickel Creek.
If you want to talk guitar music, let me know, I would love to oblige.
Posted by
7:31 PM
I offer these words spoken by those more gifted than myself:
"Contemplate the mangled bodies of your countrymen, and then say, 'What
should be the reward of such sacrifices?'...If ye love wealth greater than
liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater than the animating contest for
freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not your counsel, nor your arms.
Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and may posterity forget that ye
were our countrymen."---Samuel Adams
"But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate
-- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who
struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.
The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never
forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here
to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly
advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining
before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that
cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here
highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation,
under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the
people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the
earth."---Abraham Lincoln
"If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from
the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are
forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! The war is
inevitable--and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come.It is in vain, sir,
to extentuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace--but there is no
peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will
bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the
field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they
have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of
chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may
take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!"---Patrick Henry
"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state
of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much
worse.... A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which
is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has
no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men
than himself."---John Stuart Mill
"I will not yield, I will not rest, I will not relent in waging this
struggle for freedom and security for the American people. The course of this
conflict is not known, yet its outcome is certain. Freedom and fear, justice and
cruelty, have always been at war, and we know that God is not neutral between
them. Fellow citizens, we'll meet violence with patient justice, assured of the
rightness of our cause and confident of the victories to come. In all that lies
before us, may God grant us wisdom and may he watch over the United States of
America." President George W. Bush
Posted by
7:42 PM
In fact it was largely Rumsfeld and Powell that won a sceptic over to the Bush camp, me. His recent speech pointed with laser guided precision at the MSM in this country is a perfect example of why I like the guy, he's a serious Billy Goat Gruff. Heres a couple other choice excerts missed by most.
"If one is viewing events through a soda straw, one should know that one is
by definition selectively focusing on facts that may highlight one's perceived
view and not seeing other perspectives. A full picture of Iraq comes best from
an understanding of both the good and the bad, and the context for each."
"The other question I posed is of critical importance: why does Iraq's
success or failure matter to the American people?
Consider this quote: "What
you have seen, Americans, in New York and Washington, D.C., and the losses you
are having in Afghanistan and Iraq, in spite of all the media blackout, are only
the losses of the initial clashes."
The speaker is Ayman al-Zawahiri, a
senior member of the terrorist group al Qaeda and a top leader in the effort to
defeat U.S. and coalition forces around the world. The terrorists' method of
attack, simply put, is slaughter. They behead. They bomb children. They attack
funerals and wedding receptions.
This is the kind of brutality and mayhem
the terrorists are working to bring to our shores. And if we do not succeed in
our efforts to arm and train Iraqis to help defeat these terrorists in Iraq,
this is the kind of mayhem that a terrorist, emboldened by a victory, will bring
to our cities again--let there be no doubt."
"Imagine the world our children would face if we allowed Zawahiri, Zarqawi,
bin Laden and others of their ilk to seize power or operate with impunity out of
Iraq. They would turn Iraq into what Afghanistan was before 9/11--a haven for
terrorist recruitment and training and a launching pad for attacks against U.S.
interests and our fellow citizens. Iraq would serve as the base of a new Islamic
caliphate to extend throughout the Middle East and to threaten legitimate
governments throughout the world . This is their plan. They have said so. We
should listen and learn.
Quitting is not a strategy. Quitting is an
invitation to more attacks and more terrorist violence here at home. This is not
just an hypothesis. The U.S. withdrawal from Somalia emboldened Osama bin Laden
in the 1990s. We know this. He has said so."
"Our country is waging a battle unlike any other in history. We are waging
it in a media age unlike any that war fighters have ever known. In this new
century, we all need to make adjustments--in government and in the media. And
change is hard.
But to paraphrase Thomas Jefferson, we are all Republicans.
We are all Democrats. We are all Americans. We are all in this together. And
what we do today will not only impact us, but our children and our
grandchildren, and the kind of world they will live in."
Posted by
6:42 PM
Turns out Mike Yon is a fellow bird man, I knew I liked the guy for a reason, anyway his latest post is up.
On another question, should the original gangbanger be put down permanently? I say,YES!
Posted by
9:26 PM
Now this is beyond the pale. Atheist groups at Texas universities are setting up booths on campus to exchange religious literature, Bibles, for porn mags, dispicable, while they try to bar Passion of the Christ. Just how diverse and tolerant are the universities you are paying megabucks to send your progeny to? Not very, acording to Dr. Mike Adams , a law professor who has written many articles on this topic.
"Recently, an atheist student organization at The University of Texas at San Antonio set up a “Smut for Smut” booth allowing students to exchange their religious scriptures (mostly the Holy Bible) for pornography. Unsurprisingly, they got the idea from another group at The University of Texas at Austin.
If the “Smut for Smut” exchanges begin to spread across the country, many readers will undoubtedly ask why such displays aren’t banned by campus speech codes due to possibly “offensive,” “disrespectful,” or “demeaning” content. Of course, the answer to that question is simple:
Campus speech codes were not designed to preserve our Judeo-Christian heritage through an equal application of rules. They were designed to destroy it through a selective application of rules. " (emphasis his)
Whereas, a decorated tree is the traditional, historical
symbol of Christmas; and
Whereas, the Christmas tree is a decorated tree celebrating and
symbolizing the historical Christmas season; and
Whereas, a tree has historically been known as a Christmas Tree
in the State of Alabama, the United States of America and around the world;
Whereas, the tree has historically been known as a Christmas Tree
on Auburn’s campus; and
Whereas, calling the tree a Christmas Tree preserves historical
correctness and embraces religious diversity; and
Whereas, in pursuit of Auburn’s spirit of diversity and tolerance of
differing ideals, the Student Government Association Student Senate maintains
that traditional symbols, religious and otherwise should not be suppressed;
Whereas, labeling a Christmas Tree as a “Holiday Tree” appears to
be religiously intolerant toward those who celebrate Christmas; and
Whereas, the University Administration and the Student Government
Association have promoted a spirit of diversity and religious tolerance on
campus; and
Whereas, the name of the tree is not a legal issue rather an issue of
preference and historicity; and
Whereas, even the display of a manger scene
by a government body has been held to be constitutional to celebrate Christmas
and its origins;
Therefore be it Resolved,that the Auburn University Student
Government Association Student Senate recognizes the decorated tree on campus
during the Christmas holiday season by its historical name of “Christmas Tree”;
Therefore, Be it Further Resolved, that the decorated tree
re-labeled a “Holiday Tree” be properly reinstated with its original,
historical, traditional, intended, and common title and identified for what it
actually is, a “Christmas Tree.”
Posted by
8:42 PM
One of my best contacts, Bill Roggio is on the ground in the Sunni Triangle now and blogging from threatswatch.org, there is a ton of good information to be had there. More information can be found here. It seems the terrorists have been pretty quiet this week beyond the staged propoganda photo shoot in Ramadi; is the AP collaborating with the enemy? Goat has to wonder?
Do you wish to know our strategy and plan for Irag? What is the administration we elected up to? That is an easy question to answer; go check this out, straight from the elephant's mouth, seems quite comprehensive to me in 35 PDF pages (linked in html).
It appears the DNC are very poor poker players, they have no idea when to, hold, fold or bluff. The problem is it ain't their money they are gambling with, I ain't to happy with the GOP senate of late either. This profligate spending on "pork" must be stopped and it is up to us to do it through a taxpayer's bill of rights, term limits and adamant support at the polls for fiscal conservatism. I am socially conservative but that is far secondary to making sure we stay afloat fiscally. A commentor called me an 'isolationist', how far from the truth, I am a free market global capitalist, not a labor union slave chained to socialism and taxed beyond the common folk to instill their frozen agenda set by their rules. Unions had their place in time during the days of "The Jungle", in the US they are not needed . I prefer to be paid by the client, not a union bent with political graft.
I ask for tales of government public service unions, positive and negative, I will simply offer up the DMV. I am a highly skilled tradesman and well taken care of by my company, I have artistic and design capability and the ability to build that reputation and progress. This is an option unavailable to me in the glazier unions, I will stay independant, free of socialist control.
Posted by
8:02 PM
Chores neglected while playing in the mountains have kept me away from the machine for a few days, single homeownership is tough with a bit of land thrown in, love it. Now a few cold ones later I feel like posting some pics instead of typing.
Welcome into the cabin. The view from the deck
The other half of the front room, with the stockpot making soup from the turkey carcass, I should charge for the beer product placement
Careful fire management of this 100 year old beauty can produce gourmet results.
Turkey dinner ready to go with stir-fried squash , dressing and gravy and one of the best zinfadels of the foothills a Fleur de Lys Reserve,Yumm, one of my better turkeys.
Posted by
8:18 PM
Benador assoc. has some great articles up by Victor Davis Hanson and Amir Taheri, three very enlightening ones, on the battle in Iraq in the greater GWOT and so does the OPJ with a fantastic article by Joe Lieberman.
Following are excerts:
Posted by
8:06 PM
My friends will remember my original posts on this cathedral renovation my company was involved with, available in the earliest archives here in The Barnyard. It reopened last week and is absolutely stunning, an inspiring House of the Lord. It was an honor to be involved in such a project, for later readers ,we removed and reinstalled the stained glass panels after restoration of them. This is a real feather in an independant glazier's cap considering the value of the panels. It took months and that much time on your knees in church tends to wear off on a person. It was the cleanest best run site I have been on and the usually bawdy commentary of construction workers was absent, something I appreciated. Hopefully I can get some pictures up of the new look, or try googling, Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, Sacramento, Ca., it's been in the news.
Posted by
7:11 PM
I hope everyone had a joyous Thanksgiving! It is always a great time to be at the cabin, from micromanaging a wood oven to produce a succulent turkey to blazing away with a musket.
Friends ask what we do when we are up there, well considering it takes about half a day to gather and chop the wood you burn in a day is a partial answer and the rest cooking what you eat, housekeeping is #1 and then you get to go play. If you are into fishing, rockclimbing, hiking, mountaineering or just keeping the fire stoked, it is all right there.
Shooting the musket was a life-long dream, I would survive, kept a nice group out to 75 yrds. I had some yardage problems but no windage troubles anyway it would have meant venison to eat, lots of fun. The loading process definately makes the 'make your shot count' maxim apparent as it would be tough under less than ideal conditions, simple but time consuming and a little delicate with cold fingers .
It was all of 7 degrees greeting our smiling faces this morning with no snow despite the front that blew through in a hurry making the morning call to the outhouse a reason for internal debate, muchless the midnight call to nature. This is hardly a Tahoe ski cabin, more a mountaineer's respite, beds and a stove. It is simple living at its finest.
It is about a quarter-mile in front of me as the picture shows, just nestled into the pines at the base of the first ridge on the left.
Posted by
5:42 PM
I will be up in those mountains away from the machine for the long weekend, living as we did 150 years ago. Everybody have a wonderful Thanksgiving and remember those that made it possible!!!!
Posted by
8:01 PM
If the liberal left is so reliable , why do they abandon their convictions so quickly? The same goes for senate GOP?
If man has caused global warming what happened to end the last iceage, mammoth farts?
Why do animal rights activist terrorist ALF and ELF let thousands of deer starve to death in order to prevent hunting them?
If guns are outlawed why do outlaws have guns?
Why does crime go down when the prison population goes up?
Why do Muslim nations suffer in poverty while Judeo-Christian nations prosper?
Why are suicide bombers always Muslims?
Why are most of their victims innocent civilians of their own "faith"?
Why does France and most of old Europe have a flat economy ?
Why are the former eastern Soviet bloc of nations prospering?
Why are Germany and Japan, nations we gave democracy at gun point, economic giants just 60 years hence their defeat?
Why does the liberal politician think the government can take better care me than myself, observe Katrina?
Why should a child be suspended from school for having aspirin, yet be able to have an underage abortion in private?
Why is the dad not brought up for rape charges?
Why is a litmus test on abortion OK and not one on Constitutional Federalism?
Why does the DNC want the black man to stay in the ghetto on welfare?
Why did the DNC filibuster the Civil Rights Act?
Why does the DNC start fights and expect the GOP to end them,Vietnam ,Iraq?
Why am I, a major nature nut, a member of the GOP?
I ask these in response to the Air America and Franken's questions they tried to frame me with over the weekend. I could go on for days asking questions. Even the Franken troll that asked them admitted on their site that I answered his questions truthfully. It's in the archives if you choose to look.
Posted by
9:33 PM
I am watching a fascinating documentary on animals' abilty to predict natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanos, tsunami, and others. For many millinia man observed nature to predict the weather, watching birds and burrowing creatures. The Lord will give us clues if we are connected enough to His creation. The ancient Asians in particular were attuned to this, living on "The Ring of Fire" like the Japanese. I have no doubt in this abilty by animals as their senses are so far better attuned than ours. Do animals feel or hear these approaching maelstroms and know what they mean? An interesting question they pose . This is really interesting, it is on Public TV. They notice how in the recent tsunami very few native animals perished, and how many domestic creatures went crazy to get to higher ground, elephants are of particular focus . They had tagged elephants in a park in Sri Lanka that were being montored at the time and they moved to higher ground, elephants are remarkably intelligent. I like shows like this, educational.
Posted by
7:16 PM
I see that Zarqawi may have been killed as reported by two different Arab news papers when acting on a civilian tip to a senior AQ meeting in Mosul MNF and ISF forces surrounded the house and the residents of the house blew themselves up to avoid capture. Extremely good news if true.
Meanwhile Mark Levin and Victor Davis Hanson have great articles up at National Review debunking the latest disinformation coming from the loonbat left.
Mark Levin
Facts of War
Yes, there were connections between Saddam
Hussein and the 9/11 bad guys.
What is this baloney that there were no
connections between Iraq and Osama bin Laden? Even the 9/11 Commission Report,
which I believe is lacking in many respects, includes some useful findings all
but ignored today by the media and war critics. Consider the following excerpts:
Page 61:
Bin Ladin was also willing to explore possibilities for
cooperation with Iraq, even though Iraq's dictator, Saddam Hussein, had never
had an Islamist agenda — save for his opportunistic pose as a defender of the
faithful against 'Crusaders' during the Gulf War of 1991. Moreover, Bin Ladin
had in fact been sponsoring anti-Saddam Islamists in Iraqi Kurdistan, and sought
to attract them into his Islamic army.To protect his own ties with Iraq,
[Sudan's Islamic leader] Turabi, reportedly brokered an agreement that Bin Ladin
would stop supporting activities against Saddam. Bin Ladin apparently honored
this pledge, at least for a time, although he continued to aid a group of
Islamist extremist operating in part of Iraq (Kurdistan) outside of Baghdad's
control. In the late 1990s, these extremist groups suffered major defeats by
Kurdish forces. In 2001, with Bin Ladin's help they re-formed into an
organization called Ansar al Islam. There are indications that by then the Iraqi
regime tolerated and may even have helped Ansar al Islam against the common
Kurdish enemy.With the Sudanese regime acting as intermediary, Bin Ladin himself
met with a senior Iraqi intelligence officer in Khartoum in late 1994 or early
1995. Bin Ladin is said to have asked for space to establish training camps, as
well as assistance in procuring weapons, but there is no evidence that Iraq
responded to his request. ... [T]he ensuing years saw additional efforts to
establish common connections.
War & Reconstruction
For Bush’s critics, even hindsight is cloudy.
This is the mantra of the extreme Left: "Bush lied, thousands died." A
softer version from politicians now often follows: "If I knew then what I know
now, I would never have supported the war."
These sentiments are
intellectually dishonest and morally reprehensible for a variety of reasons
beyond the obvious consideration that you do not hang out to dry some 150,000
brave Americans on the field of battle while you in-fight over whether they
should have ever been sent there in the first place.
Consider the now
exasperating (and tired) argument that almost anyone who looked at the
intelligence data shared the same opinion about the threat of weapons of mass
destruction — former presidents, U.S. congressmen, foreign governments, Iraqi
exiles, and numerous intelligence organizations.
The prewar speeches of Jay
Rockefeller and Hillary Clinton sparked and sizzled with somber warnings about
biological and chemical arsenals — and, yes, nuclear threats growing on the
horizon. Politicians voted for war at a time of post-9/11 furor and fear, when
anthrax was thought to have been scattered in our major cities and the hysteria
over its traces evacuated government buildings. In response, the Democrats beat
their breasts to prove that they could out-macho the "smoke-em-out" and
"dead-or-alive" president in laying out the case against Saddam Hussein,
especially after the successful removal of the Taliban.
I WANT TO PROTECT OUR LANDS FROM TERRORISTS..."By Michelle Malkin · November 20, 2005 11:42 AM
By Michelle Malkin · November 20, 2005 11:42 AM
"...so I joined the Marines."
--The words of 26-year-old Donald Ryan McGlothlin McGlothlin, a Marine 2nd lieutenant assigned to Battalion Landing Team, 2nd Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, based at Camp Pendleton, Calif., who was killed this week during a firefight in Ubaydi, Iraq during a campaign to crack down on the insurgency.
God bless, deepest thanks, and R.I.P.
Related: Make sure to read the latest "Someone You Should Know" installment from Matt at Blackfive highlighting the story of Marine Sergeant James "Eddie" Wright.
Related II: Thank this female soldier. She could use the support. (Hat tip: Anna at The Right Place)
Related III: McQ at Q&O has launched the Project Hero campaign,"highlight the heroism of some of our Soldiers, Sailors, Marines and Airmen in both Iraq and Afghanistan." Today's post tells the story of honor a young Marine officer who won the nation's second highest honor for valor in action: the Navy Cross. Writes McQ:
The idea is to get a network of blogs to link and spread the word about the valor of our military which seems to simply go unreported by the MSM. I’m asking like minded folks if they wouldn’t consider linking to these posts or posting the citations or stories themselves. I’m also soliciting emails in which people can send me citations and stories of heroism they find about Iraq and Afghanistan. I’m going to do these once a week, probably on Friday or Saturday. Any help you can give in spreading the word would be great.
Pass it on.
Related IV: Austin Bay on how troops are fighting back through e-mail.
Posted by
4:50 PM
At least GOP House leadership in a quite brilliant poker move forced the Dims to play there cards, in a 403-3 vote in support of not pulling our troops from Iraq in a cowardly cut and run surrender to Al Quaida in Iraq. I bet the loonbat base is about to explode, Cindy Sheehan what have you to say about that? Is it so hard for those that want to find out what is going on in Iraq to simply look at the same government's own websites that the MSM does and distorts to their sick agenda. Sites like, this one at Defend America and the numerous bloggers from Iraq both military and civilian offer a very different picture than our mainstream media wishes to portray. I will also add that the freely elected Iragi gov't has formally requested our help for at least another year.
I watched on CSpan last night and it was raucus heated and often ugly as the Dims lied through their teeth, openly. I had to shift into 4lo and hit the air lockers to get through the mud. Kudos to JD Hayworth and Duncan Hunter and the rest of the GOP House leadership, I hope they teach their Senate counterparts some lessons.
The President has outlined his plan many times very clearly and only those that don't wish to hear or see can deny it. It is simple continue to train Iraqi Security Forces until they are able to protect the free and democratic Iraq from those that wish to return it to the stone age. He is finally calling the enemy by their name, islamo-fascist murderers bent on instilling a dictocratic theocracy through violence and dhimmitude. Noone should wish the violence that the jihadists murders would bring on the innocent Iraqis should we pull a Vietnam retreat as Bin Laden has continuously mentioned as well as Somalia and Lebanon. By the way, OBL, the media hog has been very silent for a long time now, makes a curious mind wonder, as Zarqawi continues to slaughter indiscriminately even at the rebuke of the AQ #2 man, Zarwahiri. The Jordanian and Palistinian streets rang with" Death to Zarqawi" chants and he blows up mosques yesterday.
The loony lefts support of this strategy is astounding, I fail to understand how abandoning innocent people and allies to mercenary thugs is redeeming of our image in the world? Redeeming in the murderer's eye as it allows him access to your children.
If you don't know and want to, just ask, someone will inform you of where to go to find out. I can see why the liberal writers of the lefty MSM are so snippy now as every word gets parsed through the active conservative new media. I am a basic simple citizen and I feel better informed than many of those claiming to speak for me in our elected bodies, stupid, narcissistic or just plain disinformation or a combination, I don't know. I just know the Howard Deaniacs turn my stomach and cause Torets like twitches and sporadic outbursts of language I would not otherwise use hurled at an inanimate radio, TV, or monitor screen.
I voted as a center-right independant untill last year when I registered with the GOP because of the pure idiocy coming from the DNC after the 2000 elections, in which, I did not place a presidential vote, could not stand either. George Bush earned my support through taxcuts and a strong response to 9/11 and the loony left's avid hatred for him , never liked those pinkos. I now stand back to back with fellow conservatives to defend the GOP against insidious RINOs.
Seriously, what would you like to know about the GWOT and the central front in Iraq? Hopefully my friends and I can help you, in fact, I am positive we can.
Update: Welcome, Al Franken and AirAmerica readers, I hope you find my site sufficiently irritating to draw out your pure hatred of the conservative agenda so your hatred can be exposed further for the bankrupt flytrap it is. Hey guys, Airamerica found me, yippee, maybe they will grant me the same honor they grant Michele Malkin with their xxx insults. I would love to post them on the front page so the world can view the banality and immaturity of their rants.
As I am honored to present my 15 seconds of fame at Al Franken's site.
The freely elected government of Iraq declares it is able to protect its citizens from islamo-fascism" will they achieve this ability before or after their civil war?and, are islamo-fascist any more malevolent than christo-fascists?
"they have formally requested we stay until then." that explains the insurgency....
"The ISF is taking a larger share of the burden everyday."and terrorist activity is on the increase.
"None of them though definate connections between Saddam's regime and AQ have been established" you consider non-definite connections a valid reason for a "pre-emptive" invasion?
"explain Zarqawi on the other hand, Coconut."all take a stab at it: we've successfully destabalized the nation/region for him.
"No, never claimed, only proven support of AQ. Direct involvement never claimed."great. what support/in-direct involvement can you claim? and how is support to be considered "indirect"?
"OBL has not been heard from in a long time, probably dead" based on what evidence?
"but his #2" which #2?
"and #3 have been heard from in Iraq, Zarwahiri and Zarqawi."
yes, iraq is where they can easily find us.
"I would like to see free enterprise rebuild the gulf coast not bloated corrupt beuracracies." who wouldn't?
"New Orleans was the veritable "outhouse" of socialist liberalism and corruption" very generous appraisal.
"and its failed policies." which policies are these?
"FEMA is not a first reponder group" this is a gop buzzword. fema is charged with managing emergencies, hence the acronym. "first" response or otherwise, piss-poor response is unacceptable.
"it is designed to help financially" "manage".
"not as a rooftop rescue organization" who suggested it is?
"which the Coast Guard was doing the second they could get there, doing their job, choppers were pulling folks of roofs as soon as winds let them."
well done, coast guard. "We should not pay for bridges rich states can easily afford" and if these "rich" states cnnot "easily" afford them? you understand, of course, that the construction of bridges creates construction jobs, which creates revenue, which creates tax revenue? and that bridges and highways promote the commerce which is so critical to our economy?
"and we should noy pay for leeches at the social level."your concern for, and generosity towards, your fellow americans is commendable. what is "the social level"?
"I was jumped"Submitted by onthetroll on September 27, 2005 - 8:15pm.
Posted by
6:18 PM
As Victor Davis Hanson explores the history of the Peloponesian War in this excerpt from his latest book " A War Like No Other" some interesting comparisons are made on how to fight and win a long war. The astute reader can also draw some comparisons between the left and the right in america. Originally in National Review I link it at Benador because she provides links to previous installments.
"True, Sparta could execute generals like Thorax and shun the returning prisoners from Pylos, but in comparison to Athens it gave latitude to commanders in a way unknown at Athens. If Thucydides was exiled for failing to save Amphipolis from Brasidas, later in the same theater Brasidas most surely was not recalled to Sparta after failing to reach Torone in time and thus losing the entire city to Cleon. That the Athenian assembly exiled, executed, or fined almost every notable general it ordered on campaign did not make commanders more accountable as much as timid and prone to second-guessing. Thus, after any setback, whether in the Delium campaign or at Arginusae, they would most likely not come back to Athens, in fear of a trial. So the city did not often learn from its mistakes but almost always scared generals into being too cautious or reckless, their decisions based on anticipating what the voters back home might approve on any particular day."
"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined." —Patrick Henry
Posted by
7:35 PM
The cabin, no water except the creek behind me and no electricity, a respite from the machine. We cook with the same abilities as those that built it and eat better there than we do at home.
Roast a turkey or bake some bread, this was the cook's cabin for the miners and shepherds at the turn of the century
The drive home takes me around lake Tahoe
The view from town, the "Sawteeth" in the background.
I have been in love before, my bride. The cabin is about a half mile away as the crow flys.
The harvest moon rises.
Dinner time, beef over almond wood!
Team Volcano, Shasta, left, and Lassen, Lassen has a lightening bolt on the back of his head.
Trout for breakfast
Part of our natural "jungle gym" for climbers
A view towards the cabin from the meadow.
I hope these pictures show my love for the sierra. The power of this place is incredible as Castaneda tought. I have spent weeks here and I find something new everytime on every walkabout. To spend time in a cabin with daylight showing through cracks in the walls during sub-zero temperatures is enlightening to what our pioneers dealt with. Yes, I am very wierd, I love the challenge as it also shows how people still live today. I can live by third world means and be OK, a source of comfort for me, most have no idea. My life goal, very Amish, is to be totally self reliant, free of the government, faced with the daily struggle our founders faced, survival. A dream, maybe, perhaps that is why I am conservative politically, I refuse to be a burden on any but myself. I am a survivalist and my order of business is God, Country and Family. I don't have a personal family so my strength can be dedicated to God and Country so my sister's family may reap the rewards.
If you want to feel the power of life filling you, take a walk with a pair of huskies and the Lord under a harvest moon in the mountains, I have and I am reinvigorated. I am ready for the coming and ensuing battle. Conservatives, mount up, the battle is just begun, now is not the time for weakness, it is time for war.
Posted by
4:15 PM
I will be off to my buddies cabin on the north-east corner of Yosemite NP this weekend. A respite from the angst of the modern world, so I will not be blogging or commenting. Sheepdog, hold the pasture.
The cabin is about 4 miles from here, looking in the general direction, if you made a crow's flight to the right of the last tree.
Update: I am back after an absolutely beautiful weekend in the mountains and have a picture or two to share. A midnight walk under a high sierra harvest moon with a pair of huskies as your companions brings back perspective. They are my buddy's dogs but they weren't ready for bed yet and neither was I. I speak 'huskyese', mine is with my sister in Al, so it is always a treat to join their pack in the mountains. I am a huge fan of the "working"class of dogs, shepherds and sleddogs especially. These dogs love to run and do their job whether herding sheep or dragging a sled. Before I am lamblasted by gundog owners, a good birddog is hard to beat. I will have one of them as well. I just love huskies and malemutes, they have a unique attitude, as do I.
Posted by
8:07 PM
Much is written and said about our kids today, we see the faux-gangbangers and the real ones and we see those in Iraq and signing up in overwhelming numbers. We continue to see the growth of young Republican clubs grow on our campuses and the liberal elites effort to stifle it. I got an email from a young friend in college today that was heartening. He makes a powerful statement. I know Nicky, can do a high five and catch a cold one at the same time.
No doubt. I feel however that, the military would drive me crazy. I have a sneaking suspicion that i would not get the position that I wanted and that it would be merely a waste of time. I feel that I should instead become an upstanding educated citizen to provide a role model for America's Misled Youth. What speaks more to Americas children unfortunately is that of 50 cent an Tupac and a life that glorifies gang violence and drug deals. I feel that we have just as much a battle on our own soil as we do across seas. Interpret this as you will. I feel it my responsibility to prove myself through, not only education and an honest existence, but as a human being responsible for my own actions and to convey that to others. I expect to be treated with respect, therefore I will act with respect. Excuse me for being trite but, treat others as you would like them to treat you.
Posted by
6:43 PM
"If individuals be not influenced by moral principles; it is in vain to look for public virtue." —James Madison
Did anyone else here the loonbats on Hugh's Show today about 4:30 pst ? He called us stupid, and was so idiotic that he didn't realize Hugh was shredding his argument with his own answers. the "journalist" on before the caller was even worse. How dense can they be? I guess their hatred and anger are so blinding that even when the cold wet carp is sticking out their mouths they can't see it. I watch a little TV news, listen to conservative news/talk radio and check about 50 internet sources. I can get information off my miniscule blogroll before the AP or our regional rags can get to print. My first stop is James Taranto's "Best of the Web" and OPJ online then I move on to The Federalist Patriot, National Review, Townhall, American Spectator etc. and first blog stop is usually LGF, then Hugh and Michelle, then for more detailed analysis I follow the links. Captains Quarters and Powerline have detailed powerful analysis, yet we are stupid as that caller proclaimed and defended. I will say my toughest and and most intelligent arguments always come from the right, ad hominem attacks from the left, no ideas or debate. Oh and blog trolls, watch your ankles, the Sheepdog is back and reinvigorated it seems, great comments last post, Sass, it fits so well, "Sheepdog Sass" and as usual you left me nothing to say which is fine by me, less typing.
Happy Birthday! USMC , OOhRaah!
Posted by
7:23 PM
One of my favorite radio and print personalities is Dennis Prager, the guy makes sense and prefers clarity to conflict. He does what is probably the best hour of talk radio on his weekly "Happiness Hour". He has spoken and written extensively on the subject as his latest column also addresses. I agree, we have an obligation to our fellow man to be happy. If you disagree think about how it feels to be around a perpetually moody or angry person, it is demoralizing and often demeaning or violent. I know how far a smile and thank you goes, including getting out of traffic tickets with a " Hi, officer, thanks for doing your job, I was going a bit fast wasn't I ? Open road, pretty day and I was just enjoying it, sorry." , I was going 105 mph in my 240z . He said "slow it down" and let me go with a warning. This happened twenty odd years ago but the lesson stuck. I was happy an officer was there protecting the public from a crazy nut like me, I have covered 2100 miles in 25 hours between LA and B'ham and was getting passed by big rigs.
Happy people accomplish things, have intuitive ideas and are not cluttered with angry, loony victomhood conspiracy theories. Happy people make life better for all, including forcing yourself to be even when you don't want to, better than caffiene.
When you think about a Muslim suicide terrorist, is "happy" the first word you think of to describe him?
When you think about Nazis or Communists or Klansmen or child molesters, do you immediately think, "Now there are some happy people"?
Of course not.
It only takes a moment's thought to realize that while most unhappy people don't engage in evil, most evil is done by unhappy people. This is true on both the macro and the micro levels. We all know how much more likely we are to lash out at others when we are unhappy and how much we desire to make others feel good when we feel happy.
The Senate
Over the next few days, beginning November 8, 2005, my work will be used on the floor of the Senate to describe the actions of our soldiers in Iraq. Between 9:30 and 10:00 am, Senators will be reading my dispatches and showing some photographs I took in Iraq. I am honored that my work will be used to demonstrate the progress our soldiers are making in helping Iraq secure and maintain its freedom.I'll also soon complete a dispatch covering the "Deuce Four" redeployment Ball in Tacoma, where Bruce Willis gave an extraordinary speech.
Posted by
6:54 PM
What is up with our university system? Have the administrators gone PC nuts or what? I am pretty sure most of my readers recieve "Townhall" in their email boxes everyday and get to read Dr. Adams, Ben Shapiro, and tonight's article by Suzanne Fields . the story they tell is disturbing. The universities in very many well documented cases seek to stifle free speech if it is of a conservative voice and response to our demands to be heard, ie. Young Republicans, Campus Conservatives, the administrations at some are banning all thoughtfull dialogue in the fear part of it will offend somebody. I like Dr. Adams' approach, he files formal charges with his boss university system, UNC, when he is offended by emails or other that attack his conservative, gun owning ways. He gets called a gun toting homophobe he simply files a complaint then writes a column on it, as being insulted in a negative way with a negative stereotype. I have to wonder if our universities are left up to legislating manners in our increasingly crude teens! Manners should be tought from an early age at home not at the university level in the form of speech codes, anti-diversity of thought , and introduced to student porn and The Feminist Monologues instead? This is why I have chosen to go childless as I would not my want kid growing up in this social mess.
Posted by
8:12 PM
With all that is going on some positive, some negative sometimes it is just nice to sit back after a fat t-bone steak with a good cigar and an excellent cabernet franc from Venezio vinyards in the foothill gold country as good as anything from Napa. The number of vintners in Ca. have doubled in the last few years with some really good wines and a great atmosphere for tasting their products. I have visited quite extensively some of the viticultural centers and have been to a few major wine affairs. The foothill regions are growing very quickly with many boutique wineries in absolutely charming and beautiful settings, and tasting is for the most part free, charges for tasting their top vintages waived if you buy and you get to keep the glass. Though zinfadel is the main product and offered in many forms from lite roses to deep rich jammy late harvests and port. Petite syrah, syrah, both cabernets and many other classic French and Italian varietals do very well and are producing some outstanding wines with both Rhone and Bordeaux blends well represnted as well as some of the best domestic ports, classic and varietal. Right now the big-leaf maples, oaks and other hardwoods provide a colorful contrast to the ubiquitous evergreens and the temperatures are very pleasant and new releases are out. I missed the harvest festival this year but reports just weeks prior point to another outstanding year. I can buy very drinkable wine at the local grocery store for $2.00 a bottle, very good wine for $10-25 in the foothills with the top reserves going for $25-75 a bottle. In Napa an average wine will cost $5 to taste and cost $35 on average. Me, I will stick to the foothills and as I have extended before, the offer to show blogger buddies around if they make it here.
If you came here for a political rant tonight sorry, if you wish to learn, start at the top of the blogroll and go from there and don't miss the links they provide. I see no need for me to duplicate the efforts of those far more knowledgeble than I. Hugh, Michele, Charles, Ed and a raft of others have detailed analysis on everything from the GWOT to the Paris riots and the economy. I choose to celebrate continued good news from the front and the strong advance of conservative ideas here, even our lone Dem at the shop was speaking conservative talking points the other day on the importance of marriage and family. I play conservative talk radio in the shop and I guess he is listening, he really is the type the Dems need, a centrist with strong belief in family, a normal family.
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5:21 PM
My Crimson Tide managed to make it to 8-0 against Miss. St. always a hard fought game. We lost our starting center to a broken leg in a game fraught with stupid penalties. Oue defense looks great, our offense is suffering after key injuries and it shows. With two possibly three very tough games coming they need to get out of their offensive funk, no touchdowns in two games is not good.
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4:40 PM
Hey fellow Patriot readers, have you read today's issue yet? I bet a Kennedy staffer is going to be fodder for a raging Teddy, Mary Jo Kopechne is not available for comment. I am sure the desk at the Federalist Patriot vetted it before printing as their reputation is for reporting the truth is exemplary and not ever known for Onion type parody. This is rich, my normal editorial ethic is to reprint just a paragraph or so but this needs to be seen first hand. Todays issue is another outstanding example of Mark Alexander and his staff 's adherrence to excellence and blind luck in this case.
Dear Mr. President—A letter from Teddy Kennedy...
On Tuesday morning, an urgent correspondence from Senator Edward M. Kennedy to President George W. Bush was inadvertently delivered to the publishing headquarters of The Patriot. It seems that one of Mr. Kennedy's aides mistakenly put the letter to President Bush in a Patriot donor-support envelope—which means that the White House instead received a priority message from Sen. Kennedy with a profane "cease and desist" note addressed to your humble editorial staff.
Our editors wrestled with the legal and ethical implications of reprinting this letter for at least 60 seconds before concluding that we should disclose its contents to you, our esteemed readers, verbatim.
Dear Mr. President:
On behalf of the American people, I must say that we are deeply disappointed, offended in fact, with your nomination of Judge Samuel Alito for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Clearly, you're pandering to the right-wing extremists on the fringe of your party.
Yes, Alito was unanimously approved by the Senate as U.S. Attorney in 1987 and for the Circuit Court in 1990.
Yes, when Ronald Reagan nominated Alito to be a U.S. attorney in 1987, he received unanimous consent from the Senate. Yes, when your old man nominated him for the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in 1990, he again received unanimous consent from the Senate. Surely by now, some right-wing Internet rag has uncovered my praise for Justice, err, Judge Alito at his confirmation hearing back then: "You have obviously had a very distinguished record, and I certainly commend you for long service in the public interest. I think it is a very commendable career and I am sure you will have a successful one as a judge."
However, he was the lone conservative voice on the Third Circuit Court back then, so I didn't view his confirmation as a threat to our Constitution.
Besides, Mr. President, you know how these back-room wink-and-nod deals are cut. Remember when we agreed to give Reagan unanimous consent for that right-wing nut case Antonin Scalia in 1986, with the understanding that you guys would show us the same favor when it was our turn? Indeed, when my good friend Ms. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, former general counsel to the American Civil Liberties Union, was nominated by my good friend Bill Clinton, she received overwhelming bipartisan support from Republicans.
More recently, knowing that your partisans would invoke the constitutional, err, nuclear option to change Senate rules and force a full-Senate vote on your right-wing appellate nominees, we agreed to release some of them for a floor vote. Then, when you finally got an opportunity to nominate a Supreme Court Justice, you sent up a guy named John Roberts, about whom precious little was known. That allowed us to save face with the American people. Even less was known, publicly, about Harriet Miers, which is why my colleague, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, was kind enough to recommend her for the High Court.
You've nominated a dinosaur, a constitutional constructionist, who can read what the Constitution actually says—and the American people are very upset.
But now you've nominated in her place a man about whom a great deal is known. After 15 years on the appellate court, we know Alito is a dinosaur, a constitutional constructionist, somebody who can read what the Constitution actually says—and this has the American people very upset.
You and your right-wingers seem to cling to the antiquated notion that the Constitution should be interpreted as written. Well, wake up and smell the whiskey! What the American people want is a Supreme Court that will do what we, as their elected representatives, bid it to do. That's the Democratic way.
As I said in my press conference today, "Rather than selecting a nominee for the good of the nation and the court, you have selected a nominee who conservatives think has views as extreme as their own. If confirmed, Alito will fundamentally alter the balance of the court and push it dangerously to the right, placing at risk decades of American progress in safeguarding our fundamental rights and freedoms."
Harry Reid told you to "find a consensus nominee," but you ignored him.
When Harry Reid told you to "find a consensus nominee," you not only ignored his sage advice—you also failed to seek his approval for this nominee prior to your announcement. That, Mr. President, is a disgraceful example of partisanship.
We are gravely concerned that, in the words of my senatorial colleague, Chuck Schumer, "Alito will use his seat to return the court to the injustice of the past." Well, Mr. President, we are not going to let that happen. Pat Leahy feels the same way. "This is a needlessly provocative nomination," he said. "Instead of uniting the country through your choice, you have chosen to reward one faction of your party, the virulent wing of the Republican Party, at the risk of dividing the country." My understudy, John Kerry, echoes these grave concerns: "The far right wing has now forced you to nominate a divisive justice in the mold of Antonin Scalia who does not hold mainstream American values, rather than a qualified woman or minority." Dick Durbin got it right when he called this nomination "an effort to appease the far right wing."
The same talking points have been distributed to my underlings down in the House. Nan Pelosi got them: "The radical conservative right is in charge of your administration."
Until now, Mr. President, we've worked extremely well together. As your far-right radical base has no doubt told you, you haven't yet vetoed a single spending or regulatory-expansion measure we've sent over your way. Heck, your dad's foundation even bestowed upon me its annual lifetime achievement award for public service. But everything hangs in the balance with this nominee, Mr. President—so all bets are off.
So what if Alito has great academic credentials and more judicial experience than 105 of 109 Justices confirmed to the court? So what if Alito is the son of poor Italian immigrants? He may think he's Catholic, but he lacks the integrity of an Irish Catholic like me. None of this matters. I got kicked out of Harvard for cheating on a Spanish exam—so what? I left a young gal to drown when I got sloshed and drove us off that bridge—so what? I am still a Senator.
Judge Alito has demonstrated that he's a strict constructionist who supports states' rights and thinks the First Amendment restricts only the Congress when it comes to our sacred wall of separation between church and state. He would, no doubt, return to states and local communities the decision to have prayer in their schools. He's even approved Christmas displays by local municipalities. Even worse, though, is his support of parents' rights—as if they know better how to raise their kids than the government does. Alito thinks the Second Amendment means what it says, and that, Mr. President, is really dangerous. As you know, far more conservatives own guns than liberals. But my greatest concern is that he's the sort of nut who believes that children in the womb deserve to live, and that husbands—and parents in the case of minors—should be notified before an abortion. Outrageous.
Your little "Scalito" claims that "Judges should be judges."
Your little "Scalito" claims, that "Judges should be judges. They shouldn't be legislators, they shouldn't be administrators." Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist seems to agree, insisting, "Judge Alito has displayed a judicial philosophy marked by judicial restraint and respect for the limited role of the judiciary to interpret the law and not legislate from the bench."
Well, maybe that was true back when the Constitution was ratified, but not today. What unmitigated arrogance. Frankly, we know that all this "constructionist" stuff is just a ruse to suggest the Constitution does not guarantee the right to kill children before they are born. As you know, that right is what holds our Party together, and we will not turn it back over to the states.
Mr. President, as Chuck Schumer said earlier today, Alito is "a controversial nominee for a pivotal swing vote on the High Court who could shift the balance of the court, and thus the laws of the nation, for decades to come." I'm well aware, Mr. President, that you made a campaign promise to appoint strict constructionist judges in the mold of Scalia and Thomas, but it was only a campaign promise after all. I mean, it's not like anyone would've held you to it.
Candidly speaking, you know as well as I do that the majority of Americans don't support our Democratic agenda—which is why we're so desperate to maintain control of the Supreme Court. If we can't pass legislation by legitimate means, we can still do it by judicial diktat, right?
We'll use the Alito nomination to rally our constituents.
Level with me, Mr. President: Did you use the Miers nomination as a decoy to rally your troops behind Alito? Either way, you can rest assured that we'll use this same nomination to rally our constituents—we will have them whipped into a frenzy and filling our Senate and House campaign coffers with their last pennies. In the end, your Party controls the Senate and can even invoke the "nuclear option." OK, but we will not take up this nomination until January, to give us as much time as possible to unite our base.
Prepare for battle, Mr. President. We are going to use everything in our arsenal, starting with our print and television media outlets, to force you into submission.
Senator Edward Kennedy
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7:26 PM
" If someone tells you he is going to kill you, take him seriously" the words of a Holocaust survivor. Clifford May has an outstanding column comparing Hitler's "Mein Kampf" to the recent speeches by Ahmadinejad, Iran's president. This the must read so far of tonight.
Call it Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Mein Kampf moment.
Eighty years ago, Adolf Hitler published an autobiography-cum-manifesto. Its title translates as “My Struggle.” In it, Hitler talked of his desire for revenge against France, the German nation's need to control more land, and the means by which his National Socialist Party could gain power.
It also included, of course, a clear indication of his genocidal intentions against the Jews.
Last week, Iran's president echoed those themes. He talked about his “struggle” – the word translate into both Arabic and Persian as “jihad” -- his desire for revenge against America and the West, the Islamic nation's need to control more land, and the means by which his Militant Islamist movement could gain global power.
He also included his genocidal intention to wipe Israel “off the map.”
Posted by
6:06 PM