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Friday, August 26, 2005

Friday Follies

Some Euro-idiocy for laughs first on the Brits and the human zoo from Agence France-Presse , hattip: Taranto and this from Paul Jacob, one of my favorites.

"Should we stick a nightstick in their faces and force les femmes to ride ze bus? That's one bus company's basic idea. The company is taking some former passengers to court. Why? Because those commuters got off the bus and started taking a car. See, it's a car-sharing "scheme." A nefarious plot. And the court has set a date to hear this case.It's France. Who’s doing the suing? Transports Schiocchet Excursions . . . let's call it TSE so you don't have to hear what passes for my French any more. TSE has a route from France to Luxembourg, which is where a group of French cleaning ladies works. TSE says the cleaning ladies are guilty of —- hold on, let me double-check to make sure I'm getting this right —- ah yes, "an act of unfair and parasitical competition.""

See why I want to live here and not there and will fight those that wish to take the US in that direction.France and Germany are now replacing Poland as the brunt of jokes as Polands economy outstrips theirs,LOL. Free markets defeat socialism everytime and a flat tax helps.

And don't miss this from Bozell on Hunter Thompson's memorial
"Worshippers of the wild and dissolute drug culture of the 1960s gathered at their temple in Woody Creek, Colo., on an August Saturday night to pay tribute to the booze-and-drug-soaked journalistic legend Hunter S. Thompson, exactly six months after he shot himself in the head in the middle of a phone call with his wife. It was, in a way, a perfect ending to symbolize Thompson's self-absorbed, self-destructive worldview. How pathetic is it that some people are actually celebrating this?"

At least some get it right like Clifford May

"Dear Cindy Sheehan:
I know you want to talk to President Bush about the conflict in Iraq, the war in which your son, Specialist Casey Sheehan, was tragically killed. I also know that while the President met with you previously, he is not eager to see you again – not now that you are affiliated with Moveon.org and supported by David Duke and handled by slick public relations professionals.
So let me suggest an alternative: Come visit with me. Our meeting probably won't get much publicity but I can promise you an interesting discussion. I'll invite to join us some of the many Iraqi freedom fighters with whom I've been working for the past several years – many of them women -- as well as democracy and human rights activists from Syria, Iran, Libya, Egypt, Lebanon and other countries. "

And from John McCaslin a great quote.
Regarding our previous item on the upcoming National UFO Conference - and accusations by some UFO enthusiasts that government officials have hidden evidence of UFOs ever since President Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration - Beltway Beat reader Loretta Werres of Ocean View, Del., reasons:
"I find it easier to believe in UFOs than to believe that Congress could keep this information a secret (or keep any secret, for that matter) since the 1940s."

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