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Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Townhall columnists on Fire Tonight

If you get Townhall my apologies for the duplication.Tony Blankley has a great piece on the current spacewalk and our space shuttles and relates it to current events. I agree whole heartedly with his assessment and it fits in well with Mr.Cain's article so here is another Townhall column

Space shuttle America

Tony Blankley (archive)
August 3, 2005

As an old space cadet, I continue to follow the missions of the space shuttle with both hope and foreboding. Its current plight seems to provide a metaphor, in some ways, for the plight in which the United States finds itself in the world today.
The Shuttle is the most complex moving machine ever built by man. Conceived in the 1960s, the current machines are up to 25 years old and weigh 4.5 million pounds at launch. The program has cost over $145 billion as of early 2005. It was built with America's typically unrestrained confidence that it would function virtually flawlessly and with safety for its crew.

PS: Mars will rival the full moon in size as it makes its closest orbit to earth in 6000 yrs and won't again for another 6000 so be prepared this month to get away from city lights and witness something that may prove to be quite spectacular it will reach its peak size midmonth.Thanks to GT for sending me this tidbit.I watched the planets line up in '82 from a clifftop perch in Colorado on a skitrip with Young Life,I was reborn that week.


Goat said...

I am forever in debt to my sponsor,unknown to me,for this was a life changing experience.I pray He will one day give me the opportunity to thank a gracious person for their gift to me as it has graced me since.Trying to be a simple man is rough in this complex world if you don't have a firm grasp on His Hand and as every day passes I pray that my strength to maintain that grasp comes from Him.Give not thought as He will lead you and carry you when needed.My life is a testament to me as to this truth having clawed my way through briar patch and swamp to maintain that grip. Though dirty and covered in slime he took my hand and pulled me from that quicksand all I had to do was accept that Hand.I am not on firm ground yet though He has blessed me with a jacked truck with the traction I need to get through that swamp. The Bible

Goat said...

Thanks Sheepdog,I have had wild ride through life as some of my pictures show and regret only the days before I came to Him,though a star athlete I was not a good young man.

Goat said...

I should add "I" did not make the changes in me He did,all I did was take His Hand.He has given me the vihicle to navigate this life if I drive it wisely.Problem is I am pedal to the metal in all I do,He's my cruise control,LOL.

Goat said...

Faith is not easy nor was it meant to be,Cindy.Glad you are back!Yes,it was persons reborn as I have been that showed me that the light at the end of the tunnel was not neccesarily, a freight train headed my way,He taught me to duck,LOL.Missed you!