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Saturday, August 06, 2005

Stem Cell Research And Our Taxdollars

I don't comment much on this as I know very little about it.I do know that if embryonic stem cells have so much promise private investment would take care of the money issue and they would not be screaming for public funds.Unlike adult stem cells which are already curing diseases and fixing broken parts while ESCs grow tumors.Here is a good article with alot of informative links as well.

With Stem Cells, Frist Backs a Loser

Michael Fumento (archive)
August 4, 2005
The space shuttle program would seem to have nothing to do Sen. Majority Leader Bill Frist’s call for dramatically expanded federal aid for embryonic stem cell research, but there are striking parallels.
Whatever NASA may claim, there’s little the shuttle can do that unmanned spaceships cannot – at much lower costs. But NASA knows what sci-fi writers always have, that we’re enamored of manned space flight. The shuttle’s main mission is maintaining the Agency’s prestige and budget.
Yet if the shuttle has had little use, ESCs so far have had none. They’ve never been tested on humans. And like the shuttle, there are far superior alternatives. Culled from numerous body tissues, these are generally called “adult stem cells.” Yet ASCs are routinely downplayed or ignored precisely because ESCs, like the shuttle, are of little value to the human race but are tremendously valuable for individual reputations and budgets

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