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Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Throw Another Log On That Fire

Related to my earlier post on Good News From Iraq,Brent Bozell goes off with praise to Dr Chrenkoff as the solo voice on this.

The bomb-go-boom networks

Brent Bozell (archive)
August 3, 2005

My son's friend Todd Jones just returned from a tour of duty in Iraq. At a celebratory gathering at his parents' home, we chatted a while, and I asked him what he thought were the biggest problems facing the military. Without hesitating, he shot back: "The terrorists and the media."
In a rare moment of balance on CBS, Army Capt. Christopher Vick echoed that sentiment: "I think it's hard for Americans to get up every day and turn on the news and see the horrible things that are going on here, because there's no focus on the good things that go on. What they see is another car bomb went off." This kind of coverage is exactly what the terrorists are seeking to achieve, believes Vick.

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