Weblog Commenting and Trackback by HaloScan.com The Barnyard: Air Americagate

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Air Americagate

It has come to light that The liberal radio station used federal tax dollars somehow obtained from a non-prof boys,girls and elderly help group/club that is now bankrupt,would that $480,000 obtained by Air America have forestalled that bankruptcy?Michelle Malkin,Ed Morrisey at Captains Quarters and Brian Maloney at Radio Equalizer have the story in depth,Brian in the lead.This could sink the failing network as they are unable to attract an audience and thus no advertisers and thus no money to pay bloated bigsnots like Franken their bloated salaries if not for George Soros and schemes like this. I hope the New York AG goes after this corporate scandal with the same zeal he has pursued others.

Update: There is much good reading at Captains Quarters so scroll around.
Update: Hugh Hewitt also has alot on this scandal.
Update : Sheepdog makes the viable comment that Spitzer,NYAG,will do nothing as he needs the same backers for his '06 gubernatorial race.Hmmm,the plot thickens,I'll post updates as more developes.

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