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Sunday, July 24, 2005

An Interesting Artcle

It is about the "Scopes" trials over the teaching of evolution in schools, argued by giants of oratory and law William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow. As a strongly agnostic teen when we studied it in school I was intensly interested and Darrows final argument was strangely compelling enough for me to be reborn a year or so later by allowing reconcilliation between God and an evolving creation,in my mind. There were plenty of hard core creationists in my family and their friends,Southern Babtist, and I knew too much about dinosaurs and geology to buy that. Then I heard a talk through Young Life about not limiting the Lord and his power from someone that could have been me that had been reborn recently.I took Christ's hand soon after that and never looked back.

The Evolving Lesson of the Scopes Trial

By Dr. Daniel Brown
Dr. Daniel Browndownload photo
This month marks the 80th anniversary of the Scopes Trial, the original trial of the century. Civility, not a survival-of-the-fittest demeanor, marked the proceedings. It's not a bad precedent for our U.S. Senators to follow in their deliberations over U.S. Supreme Court justice nominee Judge John Roberts.
Why, after eight decades, does this historic trial continue to resonate with Americans? The standard reply is that the battle between evolution and creationism is still being fought. That may be true, in part, but it is a simplified, if not mistaken, conclusion.

1 comment:

Goat said...

I see Genesis as a parable and way of explaining life 5000+ years ago and as humanity has aged and grown more knowledgable about the world we inherited so has our knowledge of the Lord.I cannot limit His Creation anymore than I can create myself, for I am of the earth as its nutrients sustain me and to the earth my body shall return. If I have primordial relatives I evolved from that is how God wanted it to be and I have nothing to be ashamed of for being so fascinated with that miracle as we witness it today,5000 years later.I have read the Torah many times and the message I get is that we are to be wise stewards of the land our new found awareness brings to us and to be alert shephards of the flocks(all critters).