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Sunday, July 03, 2005

My Meditation Spot

A rather nice place to cool off on a hot day :)

Update: From reader HarryO, a cool site, www.high-desert-memories.com/index.html .

A Quote: "We are lovers of beauty without extravagance and of learning without loss of vigor." Thucydides

Update: One of my hummers, black-chinned, practically gave me a kiss as she checked out my red bandana and sunglass rims. I was able to raise my glasses and get a classic peek, a bird's eye view, pretty cool. I still have goldfinch in large numbers, much later than I did in Sac'to proper. The hummers love my glads and rose of sharon which is which is going crazy.

1 comment:

Goat said...

This nice set of falls is just a pleasant leg stretcher in the nearby foothills. Its been over a year since I did a peak clmb, new/old house and yard to tend.I have located some great overnight training trips fairly close by to get my wind back up and work some kinks from old injuries out. I look forward to it. I need to get back on the rocks for sure now that my hands and elbows are healed, tendonitus. You could always go out of Cottonwood lakes trailhead at altitude for some easy overnighters in the highcountry.