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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

President Bush Picks Super Well !

Pun intended, W's pick to the SCOTUS is one of the top 3 conservative choices. John Roberts is probably the pick of the litter and there were several to choose from and good ones at that. Though M. Luttig and J. McConnel are right there as well and I hope to see one of them replace Renquist. Move C.Thomas to the head and bam 6-3 for Constitutional interpretation not legislation from the bench.

Sheepdog should be happy , maybe he will lower his alert level a notch, LOL. Sheepdog can you hear the regressives scream yet? B. Boxer is already whining and she voted for his confirmation to the DC Circuit 2 years ago, this is going to be fun. To oppose Roberts they will have to fully expose themselves as socialist regressives to a greater degree than they have shown with their opposition to Bolton at the UN, well ,he is the most qualified there as well, so we will see.
Bush Rises to the Occasion The Roberts pick is courageous and important.

William Kristol 07/19/2005 11:00

WITH THE SUPREME COURT PICK of John Roberts, George W. Bush rose to the occasion.
The occasion was an opportunity to reshape the Supreme Court. Bush seized the opportunity, in two ways: He moved the Court a solid step to the right (to speak vulgarly), and he elevated its quality. It's true that Roberts is a Rehnquist, not a Scalia or a Thomas. He'll be a little more incremental, a little more cautious, than some of us rabid constitutionalists will sometimes like. But he is a conservative pick, and a quality pick--and, to my surprise, a non-PC, non-quota pick.
I had expected Bush to choose a woman. Indeed, I pointed in last week's editorial to several competent and qualified conservative woman. But in preemptively yielding to gender quotas, so to speak, I made a mistake--and earned a well-deserved and well-argued rebuke from Charmaine Yoest at National Review Online, who said I (and others) had "conceded too easily" to the pernicious claims of identity politics. She was right. And the president, weighing a truly important decision for the country's future, agreed with her. By simply going for the best person, by not worrying about walking out to the podium last night accompanied by a white male, Bush did something important and courageous. He showed that he knows that on really significant matters, one has to ignore political correctness and political pandering, and even political convenience. For this lesson, as well as for an intellectually impressive and politically sound choice, Bush deserves a lot of
credit. I unreservedly give it to him.

William Kristol is editor of The Weekly Standard.

Goat Agrees, wholeheartedly!

1 comment:

Goat said...

I know Hugh Hewitt is really high on Roberts, knows him personally and has argued a case before him,the "Toad" case in fact. I understand the scepticism shared by Ann Coulter ,yourself and others since we have been burned a couple times in the near past,Kennedy and Souter. I trust what HH has to say about JR since it is his job to cover it and explain it to us folks.I also like what I have read here and there about him.I cannot believe the left is attacking his wife as viciously as they are, whoa, this is an all time new low. They have shown themselves to be the true gutter-crawlers that they are.