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Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Appeasing Evil ?!?

I read about these child abductions by convicted molesters, I read about people being beheaded, I hear Ted Kennedy, etal, spew their undigested remains on the senate floor over gnat's doodle.
We cannot defeat evil with compassion and counseling, it must be destroyed at all cost. Have not the lessons of history impressed themselves on the modern day socialist mind, it doesn't work.Evil violence can only be beaten with greater violence for good. I am a serious Tolkienite, having read even the "Sill" many times. Good must triumph over Evil or all is lost, moral relativism is but the double edged sword wielded by Evil.
I cannot judge, though I can observe and take note and associate with those of like mind. I am calling all my fellow countryboys and gals out that don't vote. We need you , America needs you. We cannot get lost in the amoral apathy that has consumed this country for the last 50 years. As I see the political battlefield as a layman with a keyboard, the regressive left lead by RTK, BB, etal is full of themselves and spewing it like my neighbor's cows, good for the garden, not politics.
Luttig, Garza, and McConnell should be top three on the roster for Pr. Bush , all three well known by the current bench and a spotless background. Our AG should be allowed to consolidate and refine his own job instead of having to renavigate another senate confirmation for SCOTUS and a replacement for him at AG. Hugh Hewitt.com is going to be covering this closely.
My friends, we can discuss it here. please offer any urls or tidbits you may have to share. I love this stuff, I am a political junkie, I admit it. ........Didn't help, OH Well ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

God Bless those that know and confront evil !


Goat said...

And London got bombed today. Evil must be confronted and destroyed. Send your prayers to our friends in London!

Goat said...

Well said Harry!