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Saturday, July 16, 2005

Outages and Outings

Power was out here last night and I hear another decent conservative Christian has been booted from the FBZ. More later, the yard awaits while it is semi cool out.

Update: According to my sources 28 conservative voices have been removed from the FBZ in the last 3-4 months often for very little reason while much more flagrant violators of the T&Cs are allowed to post away. A definate trend against those with pro-military, pro-family, pro-life, anti-liberal establishment views. Something smells real funny and it ain't my feet.


Goat said...

Woody, why should anyone pay a fee to put their ideas on the web through a controlled site? This blogsite is free,it is mine and folks like you make it go. Blogging is free and if you are vocal the way to go as we all link together. It seems the libs are content to go "snipe" hunting and and making sure not to miss "Will and Grace" than to spend that time growing roots as I am trying to do. I could really care less about the FBZ, however I do care about the people effected by this egregious affront to some great people.

Goat said...

Welcome Mr. Page, glad to see you made it. You may get you chance to continue your debate with LR, she is my guest commentator from time to time, though I doubt it will come up. Time for folks like us to gear up for the ensuing battles for Ca's GOP agenda not the Gay agenda.