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Friday, October 14, 2005

Friday Night Quotes

The Federalist Patriot
Founders' Quote Daily
"[I]f the public are bound to yield obedience to laws to which they cannot give their approbation, they are slaves to those who make such laws and enforce them."-- Candidus (in the Boston Gazette, 20 January 1772)Reference: Original Intent, Barton (259); original Boston Gazette(January 20, 1772)
(Goat's note: probably Hamilton,known for his latin pennames)
With a special tribute to a couple of young Federalist Patriots and their fine blogs, boys like this give america hope as well as a fine youngen' at the shop.
The Federalist Solution
The Transcending Sovereignity

Boy, the editors desk is on fire for this evenings "Digest"!

1 comment:

Cabe said...

Amen Brother! Hamilton and Madison are the most brilliant among all Americans that ever lived.

I don't know if Candidus was Hamilton...could have been James Chalmers, or Samuel Adams. Candidus was a quite popular pen name, wouldn't doubt it if it was Hamilton.