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Saturday, October 29, 2005

This Was a Real Hoot

I just watched Sen. Evan Bayh's speech to the Hew Hampshire Dim party at their annual Jefferson-Jackson dinner, he will give Hillary a tough primary run as he has a solid stump aimed at middle class families and small business owners, he voted for the bill for earmarks in the transportation bill to be allocated to pay for rebuilding in the Gulf region. Though as intelligent he is he has not figured it out yet, bashing the Bush presidency and saying he can do better is not a policy statement., alla Kerry.
Something I always hear in Dim speeches when energy policy comes up and the call for energy independance is the lack of understanding of the oil industry. They fail to acknowledge that the plastics industry relies heavily on petroleum based products as well as many other diverse products available to the consumer. There is plenty of oil, we need refineries to handle it and the oil companies want to build them with the profits they have gained from the enviromentalist tightening of the market. There are trillions of barrels of heavy crude found off shore from Alaska to Chile, there are further trillions contained in the oil shales and sands found here in the US and Canada, the oil companies use their profits for research and developement of new sources and the desire to do so at the lowest cost and at the least impact to the environment. The recent defeat of the bill allowing the streamlining of the building of new refineries is a travesty and so is the investigation into oil company profits as that is a result of supply and demand. Restricting and punishing the oil companies decreases supplies and their ability to deliver them and increases prices. They don't need regulation and enviromental lawsuits blocking them, they need the freedom to do their jobs, providing fuel to power a worldwide need.


tugboatcapn said...

Goat, you nailed it.

I have been arguing off and on with a buddie of mine over the last three weeks or so, about Capitalism vs Socialism, and the more I think about this subject, the more I realize that almost all of the problems that we have with our economy in America are a direct result of monkeying around with the Free Market.

All he wants to do is scream about how rich Paris Hilton is, and then tell me how hateful I am, because I don't want to let the Government take her money away and, and give it to poor people, at the rate of about $15 on the hundred.

Sure the Oil industry makes a few people rich, but the vast majority of their profits go into streamlining the process by which they bring their products to market, and this benefits everybody.

The real reason that the left hates the oil industry is that oil is the fuel of Capitalism. Capitalism is the engine of Freedom.

But as long as the same people are teaching Economics as are teaching Civics, It's hard for even educated people to understand this simple fact.

tugboatcapn said...

Hey, Goat...
Do you mind if I link to you from my site?

(I always ask first...)

Goat said...

Go for it Cap'n, I was unable to leave a comment at your sight, enjoyed what I read. Nice to have another free market believer on board.

tugboatcapn said...

I guess you figured out the comment thing...

I aperciate the link, as well.

I have seen your comments over at Manness' place, and so far I think that we agree on most everything, which tells me that you are right.

So, Tell it, Brother!

We are winning...