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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Debate

Mitt was the man, of course, I am biased by the way, Rudy and John are getting stale, Mike Huckabee and Duncan Hunter again gained a little ground as did Tancredo. In the Barnyard's view, I would love to see a debate between just Mitt, Rudy, Fred and Newt besides them the rest are running for VEEP, cabinet positions or just lucrative speaking contracts that pay more than being POTUS. Those four have the most to lose by running and yet their love for America overrides that fact. Mitt could challenge Warren Buffet if that was the direction he chose, but no, he chooses to put that expertise to work for his country, not for his personal gain.
I supported Ross Perot for many of the same traits I see in Mitt Romney, the bottom line fiscally. Mitt answers the questions before his segue to another topic better than the rest by far. In the Barnyard opinion Mitt can be himself and let the others play catch up. He is definately the man I want to preside over the budget and what the future holds. I believe fiscal and security concerns far out weigh social concerns at this time though that is a crucial element.


Trader Rick said...

When I lived in Mass, last century, I had a priest for a congressman and a drunken murderer-guy for a senator. Mass. has historically been among the most uberliberal of all states. I have trouble with supporting a former office holder from there. If the people of Mass thought he was good enuff to elect, that's a BIG RED FLAG for me.

Last nite, that goofy old POW said Mitt changed his views depending on what office he was running for--that seems to me to be a tuff point to counter... I mean, can you really wake up one day and say to yourself-"Wait-they're really killing BABIES??? Isn't that murder? Gosh!!" And this bit about being personally against baby killing, but supporting it as public policy--Uh, no, that dog don't hunt around here...

Of course, should he be the republican nominee, I will support him whole-heartedly since he will undoubtedly be running against an America-hating defeat-at-all costs kill-the-infants Godless socialist democrat.

Why does word verification ALWAYS require me to do TWO words? I do it slow, say the letters out loud, check it twice, doesn't matter. It's trader Rick--It's like my little Jack Russell-you give him a command, and he doesn't do anything until he gets a second, confirmation, command to make sure you're serious. Now since I've addes this to the comment, I suppose I'll have to word verify two MORE times..."malhoz"-I can do that.

Goat said...

Rick, good points, Mitt won in Mass. on a fiscal platform not a social platform. I personally did not care about the abortion issue I looked into what actually takes place and a study of eugenics in general and changed my position from complacent to firmly prolife relatively over night. I have read "A Brave New World" by Huxley a few times.
My problems are wth McCain and his nutty bills and cosponsors, that drunk senator you mentioned being one of them, Feingold of the loony left, being another.
I know the radical left is hurting the DNC more than it is helping it after throwing their support behind it. The conservative right by contrast is hurting the GOP by not standing behind it and doing nothing but complaining instead of working to recruit new candidates to replace those they don't like. Newt showed us how once before and is working to do it again. I am with Mitt for the primary run and the GOP for the long haul because as you say we can't put a surrendercrat socialist, America hating regressive fool in the Whitehouse. They are not liberals, liberals believe in freedom and prosperity, this new crop of Dems is straight up Euro-socialist and support policies that are failing right before our eyes.
As to the word verification, I get the same result at other sights, it is a time limit thing I believe.

Goat said...

Progressive, yeah the left likes ever progressive taxation and government control wich is regressive in result.

Gayle said...

I agree with you... The new Democratic party is indeed Euro-socialist. They will be the complete downfall of this country should they win in 08! All one needs to do is look at the mess Europe is in.

I also agree that Rudy and John are getting a bit stale, and I think that's what Fred Thompson is counting on and is why he's waiting to declare his intention to run. I haven't even considered McCain because I don't think he has a prayer. At least I hope not! I like Romney too, but like Trader Rick, I'm having trouble with him being from Massachusetts. I will also vote for him if he should be the front runner. I'd even vote for McCain in order to keep a full-fledged Democrat out of the White House, but I sure hope it doesn't come to that!