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Friday, May 04, 2007

Friday Frolic

Is gravity moving to the right?

I was walking back from the corner store still smiling about how little kids can still come running for the ice cream truck in my neighborhood and walk the streets safely, I passed one little girl returning from the truck. I heard the word;"bitch", as I passed her and glanced back to see she had dropped something, a critique that would seem odd from a 4-5 year old, then I was floored. A friend saw her, a little older maybe 6, and greeted her, then this child let out: "Get over here ho and hep me". I shouldn't be that surprised, there is a pair of early teen boys that like to walk down the street yelling the f-word and verbally abusing and taunting adults, they remind me of the loonbat bloggers and commenters, knowing nothing can really be done except to ignore them and let them be the fools they are. The sadder part of it is that they do it with a little brother(5-6) in tow, worse, their baiting is about graphic gay porn and their words echo what they have watched. It didn't matter who it was whatever adult was available to target. They unfortunately live on my street so I get a front row view, since they were largely ignored and banned from the local markets they have shut up. I heard a couple guys in their 20s across the street fall for their crap and it was sick the words that came from these young folk's mind. Is it to late?
A couple related articles from a pair of the great gals at Townhall, here and here

Mitt Romney clearly won the debate last night on style points alone, as that is what this debate was really about, the candidates and their ability in the spotlight, their style, so to speak. Duncan Hunter also did extremely well on that point, Rudy was hurt and so was John McCain. The rest need to return to their day jobs, good men all, but not up to snuff. Mitt was by far the most comfortable and open, he will always be the best researched, and none of them knows big budgets and accounts like Mitt. GOP insiders and political junkies all know this and the race has just begun. I would call the first debate an appropriate starting gun with 'all' candidates on stage. As I said last night if Fred and Newt had been there instead of Ron and either Tom, it would have been better by far.
I think Newt wants a policy position more than he wants the catbird seat, same with Rudy, he would be an awesome Attorney General, probably one of the best ever. Gov. Huckabee would be perfect to head Health and Human Survices. Personally, I would appoint 'Tank' Tancredo to head ICE, I have contributed to his PAC, solid rock-ribbed conservative and would enforce the law.
What say you?
UpdateII: New found friend of the Barnyard, Amy Procter, has some great video clips up. I like this one best, our 'cowboy' President Bush digs in his heals and ropes the defeatocrats . Hey moonbats, thanks again, I guess they are good for something, LMAO.


Trader Rick said...

Our problem with Rudy is that he fails our litmus test issue, Baby Murdering. We just can't trust the judgement of someone who actually supports mass murder of innocents for no other reason than convenience... And we believe this is why he will not win this nomination --he's in the wrong party.

Goat said...

My move to the right on the abortion issue very much shadows Mitt's before I ever knew who he was. It happened as I got more involved in politics as a fiscal conservative and did not think it was a political issue and still don't to an extent. I abhor the practice and it wasn't so much that as eugenics itself, we are living at the beginning of a "Brave New World", Huxley, was closer to the truth than Orwell it seems. Rick, on my blogroll check out the site, Useless Eaters. It is interactive so you will have to click around abit and worth every click. I and other prolifers like to spread it. Good ammo to go against the nutters with. It is not enjoyable but highly educational and moved me to firmly into the prolife camp. As a Federalist, I believe Roe should be over turned as unconstitutional, and the legality of the matter to be left to the voters of their jurisdiction, even within the state. Yeah, I have a Ron Paul type streak. Anyway the study was done by Regent Uni., check it out.