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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Mike Yon, The Modern Day Ernie Pyle; updated

I have been devouring Mike Yon's dispatches since I chanced on his "Gates of Fire" post a couple years ago, he really deserves a Pulitzer Prize for independant journalism. His latest,"The Final Option", is typical of his style of being the fly on the wall while putting himself at enormous risk of being swatted in order to get out the truth, good, bad and ugly, this one is on some amazing progress being made on the ground and in the hearts and minds of the people of the Al-Anbar and the city of Hit. This is one of his best as it details the pacification of an overly zealous and powerful police chief that had crossed the line with the people and they requested our help to solve the problem. We did without a shot or a bruise to anybody. We are winning this war in a big way if only our MSM had the guts to cover it fairly. We get headlines that read"Ten Killed in Suicide-bomb Attack" instead of "30 Al Qaeda killed and 60 captured" , numbers are retorical but close.
There is so much information at Bill Roggio's Fourth Rail you can get lost in the high grass, especially if you explore his highlites and sidebars where I found this great piece from The Telegraph in the UK, by David Blair, good reporting with a lefty twinge, it is worth the read.

Update: Barnyard friend Amy from Bottom Line Upfront has some great posts up, check them out.


WomanHonorThyself said...

great to see our heros are still fighting the ggod fight!

Goat said...

They are Angel, yes they are, and winning despite the MSM and the left's best efforts.

BB-Idaho said...

Not sure I would place Micheal Yon up there with Ernie Pyle. The Death of Captain Waskow:
http://www.pbs.org/weta/reportingamericaatwar/reporters/pyle/waskow.html is a classic about men in war and the brotherhood of combat. No
politics from Pyle, just the feeling for honorable men placed in the ugliest of situations, doing their best.

Goat said...

BB, Mike may not be Ernie but he is the best we have now, he is pretty apolitical and as a former SF specialist he has plenty of honor for the soldiers. Read through his dispatches, they are Mike not Ernie but deserving of high praise just the same, different times all together.