Weekend Roundup: Updated
In response to/inspired by David Plotz'z Slate piece "Blogging the Bible", Dr.Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch in coordination with Michelle Malkin and HotAir has started a weelky Sunday forum called "Blogging the Qu'ran" and the first installment is up. This will be a must read series as Dr. Spencer cuts right to the thick of it and is one of our top scholars on radical jihadi Islam. The commentary should be very interesting as well. He knows the Qu'ran and its acompanying books as well as if not better than most Islamic scholars and will go toe to toe in debate with them as they try to explain away jihad, dhimmitude, and the other corruptions within the religion. Thanks to his work and others like Serge Trifkovic we can understand why they don't just hate us they are commanded to convert us force us to submit as basically slaves or be killed as a takfir, infidel. Islam is not a very old religion so it's history is well documented. Trifkovic's book " The Sword of the Prophet" is a great look at the history of the early life of Islam and its prophet, Mohammed, a desert pirate by all accounts outside of Islam. Another couple good books to read are "A Concise History of the Crusades" by Thomas F. Madden and "The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Crusades" from Regnery.
The Goat understands fully what we are facing, I may be a redneck country boy but I ain't dumb nor ignorant. I have been a news junky for a long time, and avid reader of history, especially war and America. My addiction to politics is more recent as I saw history being rewritten by the socialist left that has invaded the DNC. I am a September 11 Republican and sought to know our enemy and I chose to fight. I fully honor and remember those that have carried the fight forward on behalf of this great Nation and watered the Tree of Liberty with their blood and that of tyrants.
God Bless Them and God Bless the USA
The Goat understands fully what we are facing, I may be a redneck country boy but I ain't dumb nor ignorant. I have been a news junky for a long time, and avid reader of history, especially war and America. My addiction to politics is more recent as I saw history being rewritten by the socialist left that has invaded the DNC. I am a September 11 Republican and sought to know our enemy and I chose to fight. I fully honor and remember those that have carried the fight forward on behalf of this great Nation and watered the Tree of Liberty with their blood and that of tyrants.
God Bless Them and God Bless the USA
Update: Dang I am going to miss Tony Blair and David Cameron going nose to nose on Cspan when Tony steps down, these guys are real political lions when it comes to retorical oratory. I know only us wierdos watch "Questions for the Prime Minister" but the Brits are much more fun than our guys to watch and I wish them well with their coming leadership. Tony has been a good friend of the US and a is brilliant man, I have heard rumors of him being asked to lead the World Bank. It would be a good move, he is not a bureaucrat, and very reform minded.
Update: Ouch, a Hillary speech, on Road to the Whitehouse, this woman is a horrible speaker, no wonder Barack and Edwards have over taken her. her vote no on the Senate war funding bill is a direct result of that. Ouch, ouch, I can at least listen to the other two. Hillary Clinton will never be POTUS. All of the GOP nominees could destroy her in National debate, even our favorite punching bags, McCain and Paul. Mitt Romney, or Fred Thompson would totally annilate her as could Duncan Hunter or Mike Huckabee. Fred and Mike's slapdowns would probably be the most amusing for sure. I am proud of the GOP field as most are very capable of leading America, none of the Democrats are except maybe Bill Richardson as actually their most qualified candidate. I might add she got almost zero polite applause. Edwards/Obama or Richardson will be the DNC ticket. Hillary is done.
Update: I regained contact with an old friend of the Barnyard, Stan over at Free Constitution, he runs a good site. I lost contact when my blogroll was deleted changing over to blogger2. I am glad to have bumbed into him again on the internet speedway, friends of the Barnyard add him to your blogroll, Stan and his brother are right on the level, give them some blogger support.
Thanks for the kind words, and the link of course.
Good to see ya again Stan. Thanks Rick, wildflowers are easy, plant the seeds and water.
Beautiful flowers, Goat. Thanks for sharing! :)
Thank you also for the link. I hope there will be some liberal readers who will actually read it. They so desperately need an education! Ignorance is not bliss and it certainly is hurting this country big time.
Thought you might like some photos I took on my blog I don't think I'll be mountaineering for a while now, it's rough stuff.
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