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Saturday, May 19, 2007

Weekend Rambler

A Salute to our Patriot Armed Forces!

A Barnyard welcome to a new blog friend, Woman Honor Thyself and her readers! The irony is I was pointed to a great new circle of friends by a lefty hate post aimed at one of them, the moonbat hates me as well. She brought up an interesting point in her last post about male flattery towards the ladies, as a contractor that does a bulk of my work with women in their most intimate of quarters , the deepest reaches of their home.
I must maintain the highest standards of civility and sincerity in all my contacts. Heck, I am a Southern country boy and Ma'am and Sir are just part of my vocabulary. I find that if you treat someone with polite respect it goes far. I will find something to compliment the lady and the man of the house about.
When I have desired a more social contact, I simply ask permission to court her. I have always been very complimentary of those around me that deserve it for whatever reason and delivered with a sincere smile. I believe if you are honest and forth coming the compliment will be taken as such, a man's own reputation lends itself to that perception. There is a huge difference in" Oooh, cute dress" and a"Wow! You look great today" for being exceptionally stylish. The turds are obvious and on occasion the good guys get a break.
I grew up in a time and place where handshakes and flowery compliments were just going out of date, and this Goat ain't that old yet.
Is it to late to salvage civility and a polite society? I don't know, I do know it cannot comw from the "Swamp" that is DC, it has to come from us, the regular decent folks of America that are increasingly fed up with the garbage.
It must be through example not law, message and idea not bumper sticker sloganeering.
This is another reason I like Mitt Romney for POTUS. Heck, I don't scold the man for joining the NRA or moving to the right on pro-life issues, I welcome a gifted and brilliant spokesman to the cause. Rudy and McCain are done, Huckabee, Fred Thompson and Newt Gingrich will replace them. The Goat likes a Romney/F Thompson ticket with Duncan Hunter as head of DHS, Rudy at AG, and Newt as top policy advisor. I don't see a single democrat that can debate them at any level, McCain and Giulliani, just concede to the left and act tough for the camera. I will vote for them over any DNC candidate though in the general should the make it out of a gruelling primary vote.

Go GOP! Roll Mitt Roll!

Sidenote: I am going to have a bumber crop of apricots, grapes, nectarines, plums(4 varieties) and cling peachs this year, some preservings tips and hints would be welcome, if secret mail them and they will be kept so, if not post away. I'll get some Barnyard garden photos up tommorrow, the fresh peas, english and asian are a wonderful compliment to my diet and coming in strong.
Again a call for readers with some jam, jelly and preserve making skills to contact me with tips, I am a rookie!?!


Trader Rick said...

The best way to preserve fruit is to make wine!!!

Once Fred gets into the race, Goat, if you are a conservative, you will quickly see the light, and jump on the bandwagon. I'm not sure what "cause" you're referring to in Romney's case, unless it's just his own personal ambition. No offense, but he has virtually no political conservative creds other than fiscal...

Goat said...

Hmm, plum wine, I hadn't considered that, I will have to look into it. My grapes are purple table grapes and not good for wine. I live in wine country and a decent table wine is cheap and some really good stuff can be had for under $20.
Hey, I like Fred Thompson and have enjoyed his radio broadcasts for years. I could easily vote for him and believe it would be wise of Mitt to make a mutual non-attack pact with Fred and let the issues and ideas decide. Newt is coming in as well, the idea man, to fire things up.

WomanHonorThyself said...

hiya friend..thanks for the mention!..I'll take compliments any day..Heh