Tuesday Trails: Updated With Video
I have seen several hits by those searching my real name on sitemeter over the last couple months, for their information, I am the author of this blog but I am not the ones that come up otherwise on a google search. We are probably related since my surname is old and distinctly rare, the main reason I hide it. I have researched this well, ID protection is clearly very important this day and age.
For new readers, an explanation of 'Goat' and "The Barnyard", and how I came about the names.
Goat: Given by friends at Bill O'reilly's forum yeasr ago for standing up to loonbat trolls, short for Goat Gruff, from "Aesop's Fables", such valuable morals are tought in those child's tales.
The Barnyard: It grew from a record setting thread at BOR's site till I was booted. It was in the 'Politics" section titled " Care to Enter the Barnyard?", it grew from there after the staff kicked me out for starting The Barnyard blog. I am coming up on two years now and I have met some wonderful folks and some scum and its been fun! Many thanks to those that stop by for a visit and some polite conversation.
Tonights must read is by Peter Berkowitz at the OPJ Online, which has more on lefty pathology, it appears to be contagious as in zombie like while debate on the right is as usual, bountiful and informative.
From my favorite Congressman John Cambell of the Green Eye Shade blog an endorsement for Mitt Romney.
Good morning, Goat.
I like Mitt Romney, but I haven't really settled on one person yet. I'm hoping Thompson will run. I'll vote for any Republican before I would vote for a Democrat, but I'm glad Ron Paul shot himself in the foot during the debate because voting for him would be the same as voting Democrat.
Well Fred launches his exploratory and starts taking donations on the 4th, so he is officially in. I would love a Romney/F Thompson ticket. Romney the CEO and Fred the bulldog spokesman VEEP, I could settle the other way with Fred as the communicator up front and Mitt running the policy as VEEP but I am biased towards Mitt.
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