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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Weekend Roundup

Cspan just played Fred Thompson's recent speech and he made many good points but there was nothing special, he is a solid conservative and has a good delivery of the message. Duncan Hunter, Mike Huckabee, and Mitt Romney also deliver the message well and Fred said nothing to distinguish himself from them. I believe these are the five things the base wants, I believe Hugh Hewitt listed them first.
Win The War
Secure the Borders
Confirm Constitutional Judges
Lower The Taxes
Stop The Spending
Conservatives understand what these five pillars mean and the left does not even know they are there. It you listened to Chris Matthew's questions the other night, typical of the loonbats, the inane disdain was apparent. All the candidates but one caught his "Hardball" barehanded and threw it right back, Rudy really fell flat on several issues.
The pro-life movement is a vital and important part of the conservative movement as a whole, and they know very well the hurdles that are in the law. They want a President that will support judges that will uphold the Constitution as written and voted on by the people. Roe is bad law and should be overturned in my opinion because it is bad law. I don't believe abortion should be illegal in the rare instance it would be the better outcome. I believe women/girls shouldn't let men "sleep" with them outside of marriage. Sex-ed should take place in a Marine bootcamp atmosphere not a permissive one led by the gender-bender groups. Young men need to be informed that they can be tagged as a sex offender and the young ladies need to know that if it goes in it turns into a kid. It will come back to haunt you in one way or another, male or female. I support making the right choice type advocacy, teach life, teach the kids that there are consequences for their actions, Lord knows I have paid them.
Trader Rick's comment the other day about Rudy and his abortion position of course led me to Mitt coming to our side very much mirrored my own move to the right. Mitt is known for extensive research, maybe this is one of the sites he ventured to, Useless Eaters. I encourage my friends to visit here, you have to click around since it is interactive, it is from Regent University.


Trader Rick said...

Unfortunately we have ruled out Romney, because "Mitt" is not a NAME, any more than "Jimmah" is...and you know how we suffered under "Jimmah Cottah".

Mary said...

Bottom line: I will support the candidate that the Republicans offer as the nominee. Case closed.

Any Republican, except for the Chuck Hagel type, is better than a Dem.

It's not a perfect world. No candidate is perfect. You have to expect to make compromises.

In the end, all that matters to me is that a liberal doesn't get elected.

Goat said...

Mary I agree,but Mitt Romney is my man through the primaries, he is by far the most qualified on the economy and budget issues. He is generating media steam, that means he is hot, the left wanst no part of him, Mitt vs. Hillary in debate or even Obama.
Barnyard ticket is Romney/ Hunter, and 'play' the press. Lots of free press with Mitt's, hunting support, grin, Leno, etc......