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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Tuesday Twitterings

The birth of a giant

You have seen the in betweens, no time lapse just different plants, the bloom is sort of time lapse. I checked and snapped a pic.

Today, fully open!
To keep a watchful eye on what the democrats are up to under the storm clouds of the immigration debate, including the largest tax hike in history along with uncontrolled socialist like spending in the latest budget, the Green Eye Shade and the RSC Blog are where to look. Take your heart medication before viewing. We can't let them use the immigration debate as cover to slip through even worse measures than that monstrosity. The Democrats are using every trick in the book to confuse voters this cycle and from the poll numbers, it ain't workin', heck even the Prez is doing better than the Dim congress elites.
>Don't miss the blurps and comments from the lefty base regarding the Rev. Falwell. I wonder what they think they will gain by insulting a majority of Americans?
Give the moonbats a piece of your mind as well, blast away with all barrels, visit the idiots and give them what they deserve , a serious smackdown. We can't be shy any longer, we must respond and in force, and make the moonbats play their hand as weak as it is, so the American people can see the difference in intolerant socialism and the free market of ideas that is America.


Trader Rick said...

"Socialist-like"? you don't need the "like" apellation.

Gayle said...

LOL! Trader Rick is right... they are socialists to the core!

Good morning, Goat. Your flower photography is wonderful! Regarding giving moonbats a piece of my mind, as much as they could use it, I can't afford it. It's all I can do to keep up with my websites. Besides, when I visit their blogs I feel like I need to take a shower, so I don't visit them anymore. I do confront them when I see them spouting their vile hatred of this country in the comment sections of my friend's blogs. They're despicable!

WomanHonorThyself said...

bootiful flowers!