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Friday, March 14, 2008

Identity Socialism

With Hillary or Barack as the leaders for the Democratic nomination for POTUS the identity politics of the Democrats has been brought front and center into the full view of America. I don't care that Hillary is a woman or that Barack is of mixed race, I don't support them because of their policy positions as left wing socialists. In light of this James Lewis has penned an important essay for American Thinker that examines this exact topic and the price of it for the Democrats and America as a whole. Why do the Democrats still play this regressive game? Well because it works and keeps their constituencies on the plantation of socialism by painting them as victims unlike the GOP that believes in the individual's ability to succeed and personal liberty unfettered by socialist handcuffs. Read the whole thing but here is a clip.

So this is a perpetual money machine for the race-and-gender dividers. Now we are stuck in the mess to the point that the Left celebrates race and gender "loyalty" before American loyalty. So Justice Clarence Thomas is despised because he's a "race traitor" -- a Nazi term if ever there were one. Condi Rice is no doubt a race and gender traitor to some on the Left. That is also why the Democrats cannot put the well-being of the country over self. Their whole identity is tied up with the internationalist Left and with their race/gender/ethnic group/sexual preference games.


Tapline said...

Goat, the sad part of this whole senario is the Republican Party has done more for the Black race than any other party, bar none....stay well....

Goat said...

You got that right Tapline, I grew up in the South of Dems like Wallace and Bull Connor. We are the Party of Lincoln and Eisenhower who pushed the civil rights bill before JFK and the dems blocked it and then the Dems created the welfare system under LBJ to keep them beholden to the gov't under "The Great Society".

The Griper said...

nothing sad about it. just politics and good strategy if the long term plan is considered.

long term plan- turn a free enterprise economic system to a socialistic system.

long term plan- turn a democratic republic into a dictatorial republic.

strategy- divide and conquer.
best way,,class warfare,,and pretend you be on the side of underdog.
need i say more?

Gayle said...

I don't think Griper needs to say more, Goat. He left me with nothing to say! LOL!

Goat said...

Well it has worked for forty odd years or so but I think the American people are starting to see through it and are getting sick of it. The Soviet system collapsed because it doesn't work in the long run just as Europe is starting to see through the scam as well.