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Monday, March 31, 2008

McCain In Meridian Mississippi

Wow, he has quite a family legacy and personal history that so contrasts with Obama or Hillary that the moonbats won't be able to touch him without proving their hatred of what makes America great. Mary Katherine has the text of his speech posted and it is a must read. My respect for the man grows everyday especially after reading speeches like this, I hope I can find video of it to post.


WomanHonorThyself said...

thanks for the ray of hope!..the Dems are so evil that anyone would look good compared to Hussein or Hitlery!

Gayle said...

Goat, for those of us who are paying attention, the Moonbats have already proven their hatred of all that makes America great. Problem is, so many aren't paying attention, so I can't wait until there's finally a Dem nominee (if ever) and they have to stand up to McCain!

The Griper said...

you can always tell how good a speech is by the reactions of the opponents. and i had to laugh at reading one

"Criticism of McCain's beautiful record from the left?


You Bush-ies must cringe inside everytime you are forced to remember that while McCain was in the Hanoi Hilton, your little overgrown frat boy was too coked out of his mind to even show up for his physical at the TANG.

Watching you people have to accept a true hero after proping up your drunk cheerleader is a delightful sight!"

a reaction that can only rebut it by degrading another man.
i have my own opinion of it but will just let you determine for yourselves of the value of it.

Goat said...

Wow, where did that one come from Griper, Kos, DU or HuffPo?