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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Johnny Mac Is In Iraq

While the Democrat candidates are having an identity politics flame war and generally acting like spoiled children John McCain is traveling the Middle-East and Europe and meeting with prominent leaders and being Presidential.
In other news from this morning we delivered some hellfire to another jihadi safe house in Waziristan killing up to twenty terrorists. I guess those "safe" houses aren't quite so safe anymore, boomyah, the Reaper strikes again.


Average American said...

Someone should let these Taliban and AQ guys know that God is out of angels for them. Maybe they would hang up their vests and bombs.

Goat said...

Welcome to the Barnyard AA, I am sure Satan has plenty of shriveled white raisins (another translation from Aabic for the virgins thing) for them.

Tapline said...

Goat, Glad to see Mac make it to the War zone again.....He'll make a great C&C...stay well...

Goat said...

Tap, that is my main reason for backing him and he does have extensive relations with many of our allies' leaders.