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Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Some Barnyard Gun Porn

Now this is what I would like to use on the sick perverts that come here looking for people getting it on with animals, the first full auto shotgun complete with mini-grenades. Now this is the ultimate streetsweeper, next to the SAW this may be the baddest personal/personnel weapon ever made since the .50 cal machine gun can't be fired from the shoulder or hip. Let's get these into our troop's hands ASAP especially in Iraq and Afganistan where close quarter house clearing is a regular duty.

Dear Santa, I want...
Update: I am starting a war on sex porn email spammers and all of the ones I get originate from Yahoo's email service so anybody that knows what a full email header is let me know so I can properly report the abuse to Yahoo and get them booted. Porn is easy enough to find online without it jamming my mailbox with crap I am not into. Yes, load the above shotgun with rocksalt and I would unload it on the spammers in an instant aiming at the groin area the whole time.


shoprat said...

Easy to find?

Who has to look?

I have received stuff that I not only didn't want, but was terrified of having on my computer.

heidianne jackson said...

nice toy - check your email from me.

Papa Frank said...

That is incredible!!! Most of the cops that I know would prefer their shotgun to any other weapon when on duty. Just imagine the force you could bring to bear on a target with 32 rounds of shotgun shells. I wish they would have showed this weapon taking on a car or makeshift building as they may encounter in Iraq.

Goat said...

TFF, yes it is an awesome weapon and I myself prefer my twelve guage semi-auto to my pistol for home protection but I only have five shots not 20 or 32. I can imagine what a magazine of those mini frag grenades would do to a car or poured through a house window.

Ron Simpson said...

I am dead on with my 9mm at 30 feet. I can obliterate the X ring. I like a 12 guage too, but the ease of carry and bringing a pistol to bear in a close environment is a lot better than a shotgun. go look at this: http://world.guns.ru/shotgun/sh20-e.htm

Goat said...

Ron, I tripped out a former MP friend of mine with my pistol accuracy, its all instinct from years of shooting. I prefer the .40 to the 9 mill though and loved my Dad's .44 mag Ruger considering all I have right now is a .22 mag single action I will use my 12 guage semi-auto for now.