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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Muslims Coming to Christ

Chuck Colson notes the astounding numbers of Muslims that are converting to Christianity and it is a surprising number though it is not really hard to understand. When people realize the islam is a pseudo-religion and that Mohammed was nothing but a semi-literate desert pirate that excused his sex and blood lust with religious sounding decrees and that Christ lived and died to atone for sins not of his own but ours the choice is clear. I guess Truth and Light will always defeat lies and darkness and the Good News will be heard no matter how strenuously it is repressed. Qatar has just opened its first Catholic Diocese to packed pews and the Vatican is in negotiations with Saudi Arabia to do the same.

In Sudan, as many as five million Muslims have accepted Christ since the early 1990s, despite horrific persecution of Christians by the Sudanese government. What is behind the mass conversions? According to a Sudanese evangelical leader, “People have seen real Islam, and they want Jesus instead.”

In Iraq, “More than 5,000 Muslim converts to Christianity have been identified since the end of major combat operations,” says Islam Watch. And just a few days ago, the first-ever Roman Catholic church was consecrated in Qatar, a Sunni Muslim state where the Wahhabi brand of Islam is practiced. This was the first time Christians in Qatar have been allowed to practice their faith openly. Ten thousand people attended the opening mass.

All I can say is Hallejuhah and go read the whole thing! The True Word of God shall live on.
I had to snag this from Rachel Lucas and it seems to fit.

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