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Friday, March 07, 2008

Tony Rezko And Barack Obama: Updated

I have mentioned this connection a few times before here and here but with Rezko's corruption and bribary trial starting this week more attention is being paid to Obama's long time friend and fundraiser Tony Rezko. Rezko helped the Obama's get their multi-million dollar mansion at a reduced price apparently with the help of a Saddam Hussein bagman and "oil for food" scam monies. To help follow all the stories Kithbridge has started a news aggregator to gather MSM and blog posts dealing with the topic called Rezkorama, so if you are interested in this still developing story this is the place to go for links and news.
Update: Hugh Hewitt has a column up at Townhall about the Rezko/Obama ties and posts this email in the blog from a Chicago real estate lawyer that has done some digging about that house of the Obama's and found alot of important info missing from public records.

I'm a lawyer who lives in Chicago and has been reading your updates about this Obama/Rezko situation. I did a bit of digging myself on the local government websites to see if I could find the sellers' names or lenders. Ironically, or rather not so ironically because this is Chicago and the Chicago machine, afterall, there are no records available for a lot of this. I took the tax returns of Obama from the Powerline website with the address and plugged it into the Cook County Assessor's website (Cookcountyassesor.com) to obtain the property index numbers (PINs) for Obama's house (and apparently there is a second smaller lot behind it) as well as Rezko's lot next door. I then went to the recorder's website to look at the deeds (ccrd.info) and lo and behold, it stated that the records were not available or my request had timed out! Time wasn't an issue because I did it right away so I have to conclude that they have been purged! I then went to the treasurer's website (cookcountytreasurer.com) to see who receives the tax bills and what the txes are. Obama's lots are registered to two different people: [*******] for the large lot with the house and a [ ] for the smaller lot. [HH Note: Neither is registered to Obama or Rezko] Generally, the prior year's tax bills also are available just under the tax bill for this year and they were not available in this case. As a real estate lawyer in Chicago, I review a lot of tax bills and I have NEVER seen a situation where the prior year's tax bill was not available. When I plugged in Rezko's PIN to obtain the tax information on his lot, it said that there was no such property. This is VERY unusual.

If you want to do your own digging, Obama's PIN is 20-**-***-***-0000 for the smaller lot and 20-**-***-***-0000 for the lot with the house. Rezko's PIN is 20-**-***-***-0000. Of equal interest is the fact that there are maps on the assesor's website that will provide you with information if you input the PINs. When I tried to pull up information about these 3 different lots, it read that there was no information available.

Something's going on and I thought perhaps you would put this information to good use.


Trader Rick said...


Gayle said...

Oh how I wish it were possible to get to those records!

Off topic: I'm feeling a bit off this morning. don't know what's going on, but I won't be at the pc for very long.

You said you would have done that meme that I did. Go for it! Patrick tagged two people at first and then tagged another one, so I guess I can too.

Consider yourself tagged! :)

Anonymous said...

first, corruption is what it is, but without the smoking gun (probably even with it), the msm will write it off and it won't get the play that it should.

second, gayle's meme was awesome - i hope to be counted in somewhere... feel better, gayle!

Goat said...

The Chicago press is covering it at least and they were the ones that got under Obam's skin at the Monday presser.
Ok Heidi you asked for it so I will tag you when I post my recipe this evening but now I gotta go play in my garden.

Anonymous said...

What are you doing in your garden this time of year????

Goat said...

Suek, Planting spring veggies, I live in Ca's central valley and its that time of year and I am actually a couple weeks behind.