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Thursday, March 27, 2008

Is Liberalism A Dying Force

JR Dunn thinks so and outlines it in a must read essay at the American Thinker, even with all the recent troubles for the GOP it seems the Democrats are completely coming apart at the seams.

2008 marks the end of liberalism as a governing force in the same way that 1968 marked the end of liberalism as a political doctrine.

American liberals spent the '60s seeing their programs and policies collapse one after the other. The War on Crime, the War on Poverty, civil rights legislation, Vietnam, all were either unmitigated disasters or textbook examples of the law of unintended consequences. The Democrats went into the 1968 presidential election as crippled as any political party in American history, choked with failure, bereft of ideas, and facing a general uprising from their own younger elements.
The Democrats' 1968 Chicago convention marked the end of FDR-style liberalism. Media coverage revealed American liberals as incapable of controlling their own constituency, much less directing a country. As delegates cowered within the convention center, Movement rioters ran wild throughout the downtown area, fighting knock-down, drag-out battles with the police. Not a single liberal figure made any serious attempt to confront, control, or even communicate with the rioters. Little more than a decade after declaring itself the "American civic creed", liberalism was on the ropes.

And the moonbats are planning the same thing for Denver this year, hee.


shoprat said...

I hope it's true but it's too early to tell.

Roadhouse said...

I wish I could share Mr. Dunn's optimism. Liberalism requires one thing to thrive...ignorance. There is no shortage of that in this country. Otherwise, Clinton, Obamma, and half of congress would be run out of town on a rail. Not to mention the liberalism that has infected the Republican party.

I'm usually not such a downer, I just call em like I see em.

Goat said...

Well we are watching them implode or otherwise eat their own so I am enjoying the show for now at least.