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Sunday, March 30, 2008

Obama In '95

Nice Deb posting at Ace of Spades uncovers another damning interview with his hopeness after he attended the Million Man March , yep he is an unreconstructed straight up socialist that is no different than his pastor Jeremiah Wright. He may have a thin paper trail but it is as slick and deadly as black ice on the freeway, beware the audacity of slick rhetoric covering the real thing. Here is a clip of what Deb uncovered.

“The right wing, the Christian right, has done a good job of building these organizations of accountability, much better than the left or progressive forces have. But it’s always easier to organize around intolerance, narrow-mindedness, and false nostalgia. And they also have hijacked the higher moral ground with this language of family values and moral responsibility.

I would suggest that his pastor and the moonbats that have the narrow intolerant views of their socialist mentors and the false nostalgia for the big government programs of the New Deal. I would add that the gay agenda, abortion on demand and surrendering to islamo-fascism is hardly the moral high ground or supportive of family values as Obama supports ending DOMA and even partial-birth abortion while opposing born alive legislation to protect babies that survive abortion. Yep he is one real cool dude, NOT.


Anonymous said...

Nice blog, Goat. You're right on the mark in separating the Christian Right from the so-called Christian Left by virtue of what is the real moral high ground. Obama believes in the most extreme of abortion practices. I don't know how he can attend any church with a straight face.
Great post on China under this one too. I'm blogrolling you.

Gayle said...

He's a piece of work all right! Rita (Jungle Mom) has come up with some new info on this liar. If he's elected we will be in deep doo-doo for sure!

Here's the url to "Obama Really Concerns Me": http://www.jungle-hut.blogspot.com/2008/03/obama-really-concerns-me.html

Scroll down past the cartoons. I think you will be very interested in this.

Goat said...

Thanks Aurora and welcome to the Barnyard, I'll return the favor.
Gayle, I'll stop by the jungle hut and see what Rita has dug up, I don't think he is electable now that he is getting vetted finally. The Democrats have really screwed themselves this time around.