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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Winter Soldiers II: Updated

Well the moonbats and disgruntled vets will be gathering in DC starting today to make disgusting claims about atrocities supposedly commited by our troops in Iraq and Afganistan hoping to have the same effect they had in '71 when John Kerry made his now infamous remarks. There is a big difference today though and it is the new media, pro-military groups will be there in force to counter the outrageous slanders with bloggers at their keyboards plus there are now laws on the books that weren't in '71. Of course most of those that testified in '71 were found to be frauds after the fact but the narrative had been set for one of the most disgraceful eras in American history. I expect to have Abu Ghraib rehashed, along with Haditha without mentioning those who were guilty have been convicted.
Michelle Malkin has been covering this extensively on her blog so mosy over there for much much more and she put together the below video with YAF.
The American Thinker also as an essay posted here .

Update: Lots of details here from one of the pro-mil vets.


Trader Rick said...

We Vietnam Vets are going to our graves in ever increasing numbers as we get older, still waiting for John Kerry to be brought to trial for Treason, convicted and publicly executed for what he did, violations of the UCMJ punishable by death, as well as violations of the U.S. Constitution which as a Naval Officer he swore to defend. There is no statute of Limitations on Treason.

Goat said...

I signed the petition at the Patriot Post a long time ago to get Kerry tried for treason.