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Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Barack's Bitter Half

The Michelle on our side takes on the Michelle on the other side and her bitter angry rants from the stump in support of her husband, His Hopeness. It is clear that Michelle Obama holds to the teachings of their pastor of two decades, Jeremiah Wright in her disdain for what makes America great despite her two ivy league degrees and tremendous success since. She may be as big a liability on the trail as Wright, Rezko and Ayers etal could be.

Are you ready for hope and change? Barack Obama better hope his bitter half has a change of attitude if she expects to assume the title of first lady in November. She’s been likened to John F. Kennedy’s wife, what with her chic suits and pearls and perfectly coiffed helmet hair. But when she opens her mouth, Michelle O. is less Jackie O. and more Wendy W. — as in Wendy Whiner, the constantly kvetching Saturday Night Live character from the early 1980s.

When last our worldviews collided, back in February, the other Michelle was expounding on her lack of pride in America. I gave her myriad reasons to cheer up — from America’s role in the fall of communism and our unparalleled generosity to our nation’s superior economic system, cultural resilience, entrepreneurial spirit, and ingenuity. But since then, Mrs. Obama has dug in her $500 Jimmy Choo heels and solidified her role in the 2008 presidential campaign as Queen of the Grievance-Mongers.

That is a debate I would pay good money to see, Mrs Malkin vs Mrs Obama, our fiery, positive, attractive, conservative proud of America minority gal vs their fiery, negative, attractive, left wing liberal not proud of America minority gal.
I have seen portions of Mrs Obama's speeches on C-Span and Hugh Hewitt has played many clips on his radio show recently and frankly I am surprised at the anger she has pent up just below the surface despite her high level of success and prosperity.
Hugh has the audio posted from one of her speeches posted, listen if you dare to Barack's bitter half.

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