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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The One Communists Can Believe In, Obama

Kyle-Anne Shriver has an excellent article in National Review today detailing all the old communist revolutionaries in America flocking to Obama's side in this year's elections and why. From Obama's work with Saul Alinsky right out of Harvard to Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakan, the Black Panthers and their Marxism based Black Liberation Theology. I have been writing about this for weeks now but Ms Shriver sums it all up perfectly and why Barack has become the one they have been waiting for.

For a Boomer like me, following the threads of the Obama movement is like a flashback from a bad 60s drug trip — an old, unwelcome nightmare.

Whether it’s Billy Ayers or Bernadine Dohrn, Tom Hayden or Jane Fonda, or any of the other lesser-knowns, 60s Marxist radicals are lining up behind Obama.

Obama’s young worshippers think they see something altogether new, a unique persona, seemingly magically transported to this moment in history to help them finally be the ones to net the elusive butterfly of socialism’s never-realized promise.

The kids think they see something new. But do they?

Sixties’ radicals see their as yet unfulfilled yearning for socialist utopia in a well-groomed, glittery, establishment-approved package.

The college kids today, flocking to Obama rallies, don’t look much like we did, with our tie-dyed shirts and frayed bellbottoms, our waist-length hair or wild Afros. And they seem to see Obama as the antithesis of 60s’ madness, with a been-there-done-that-want-something-new kind of thirst, a quest for which youth has always been known.

Obama is clean-cut. He talks unity, not subversion. He promises equal outcomes without resorting to violence to get them. He endorses marriage and fidelity for himself, without condeming other lifestyle choices. He speaks in highbrow English, rather than the 60s revolutionary slogans

She points out how Obama's politics and policies are not new at all but just the same old tired and failed policies of the past pulled out of the dustbin of history and given a shiny new coat of wax. The aged radicals know this but all the screaming youth that boost his rallies don't since they are taught history by those same old radicals that have taken over the education system lead by Bill Ayers and his revisionist history with its water colored portrait of a socialist utopia. Obama and his wife have both preached about opting out of joining the corporate world and search for profits and instead opting for the world of community service and activism. As the saying goes you can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig, well Obama is the lipstick and communism is the pig.

Update: A welcome to RCPers, regular readers can go vote for this post at Real Clear Politics.


Mrs. Who said...

I keep seeing that quote about 'lipstick on a pig' on articles concerning Obama. I just can't understand how folks can't see through his fancy-pants talk.

Anonymous said...

Great article, very true.

I said this in an earlier post:
This comment has been blown out of proportion. Look at all of the Obama supporters jumping on it now (31 and 32 particularly). This gaffe is no worse than Obama's gaffe about "clinging to guns" etc comment. In fact, I think Obama's comment was considerably worse. Who cares about words? They are just words. Let's look at action. Hillary has got it, Obama doesn't. In fact, when you look at Obama's history, it shows he says to do one thing, and then does the other. If any of you watched Glenn Beck tonight (Tuesday), it was a very good show, and I almost never agree with him.
I personally think Obama has stolen the election. Lets look at the facts: Who won the states that are needed to win the white house? Hillary - she won PA, OH, WV, FL, and MI
Who is winning the popular vote when you count all states? Hillary.
If this nomination process was ran the same way as the electoral college process, who would have won the nomination long time ago? Hillary
If the states were winner-take-all states for delegates, who would win? Hillary - because she won the states with the most population (big states)
Now lets examine the caucuses some: Obama has won almost all the caucuses. Seems odd to me that he has won all of these caucuses, but struggles with a lot of the primaries. And many would agree that primaries are much more repesentative of the public's opinion. Lets also look at Washington state, Obama won the caucus by a whopping 37%, but only won the primary by 5% - seems fishy doesn't it? Obama won the Texas caucus but lost the Texas primary on the same day (by 100,000+ votes) - seems odd to me. Did anyone want to stop and question these caucus results? Did anyone want to question all of the voter fraud? Did anyone want to question on whether these votes are not representative of the public?

Last time I checked, we are in a democracy - you cannot and will not rig elections. And for that reason, along with many other reasons I find scary, I will not vote for Obama. Never! He has turned the media against Hillary and has caused a large amount of voter fraud in many states. I find that unacceptable. I would much rather vote for a person who is a patriot and cares deeply about this country. Therefore, I will vote for McCain or anyone else that comes along that is better than Obama (hoping for a miracle).

Goat said...

Welcome to the Barnyard Harrison, while I will never be a Clinton supporter I can welcome her supporters in opposition to Obama should he take the DNC nomination. Y'all's party has some some messed up primary rules for sure.

heidianne jackson said...

hillary also has links to saul alinsky, goat - it's just that she's not as far left as obama. he's a frightening individual and he has absolutely stolen the nomination from hillary.

Goat said...

I know Hillary had links to Alinsky and her valedictorian address was about him. Obama is winning by the rules set down by the democrats, he is not stealing it. They have some messed up rules for sure.

Anonymous said...

Great Article!

Goes along with what I had to say at:


Frightening I might add.

Moderate Democrat said...

Don't laugh! Obama has the edge: http://2008prezcrystalball.blogspot.com/.

However, I'm with you. Obama would be a disaster as a president.