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Monday, May 05, 2008

Barrack's Buddy Boogies On The American Flag

Hotair has more links and is where I saw it first. This is BHO's buddy Bill Ayers in 2001, so Barrack, what say you? They were on the Woods Foundation board together at the time giving gobs of money to all kind of far left groups.

Meanwhile Hugh Hewitt is playing clips from Michelle Obama's latest rant about a depressed oppressed America and how bad we are. She is about as wacky and radioactive as their pastor of two decades, Jeremiah Wright. Michelle, the only thing oppressing me is being over taxed and regulated by the likes of your husband and the socialism he supports. I do live in California so I have plenty of exposure to left wing ideology and why it doesn't work in practice. The kids don't learn the basics in school, they learn about being gay and how to put condoms on cucumbers or how to attend Code Pink and open border rallies in style. It is the land of fruits and nuts, figuratively and literally.


Gayle said...

It is indeed the land of fruits and nuts and has been so for a long time. Another conservative blogger I visit, Wordsmith, also lives in California. You guys sure are outnumbered!

I have a question... do they look at you strangely when you as for a Republican ballot?

Goat said...

Gayle, actually I live in one of the strong GOP districts, all the nuts are on the coast.